Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Iterated 's focus is on quick decompression techniques , compression itself is relatively lengthy , and even with a custom-built processor board sitting in an 80486 machine , the system will take between 25 and 30 seconds to determine the mathematical functions needed to regenerate each television frame .
2 The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s , and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere .
3 Third , lead isotope values lie in a small coherent field ( ) similar to the Dupal group and quite different from the trend for mid-ocean-ridge and ocean-island basalts .
4 More important , he worked on Counter-Terrorism programmes specialising in the Middle East .
5 An initial phase of discrimination training will establish a tendency to make certain ( different ) responses to the critical stimuli , but the change in the nature of the task for the second phase should mean that the specific response patterns acquired in the first phase will be irrelevant .
6 But in order to begin to overcome what we do n't like , we must be able to discuss it , and this violates the undiscussability rules embedded in the organisational defensive routines .
7 The curriculum guide-lines outlined in the 1988 Act offer an entitlement for all children , but the quality of these experiences will be subject to the way schools interpret and act on these four important elements .
8 The maximal effect during the four hour experiment occurred in the fourth hour after administration of cholera toxin ( Tables I-V ) .
9 Extrapolating these results to human diets , the lowest calcium concentration used in the present study ( 25 µmol/g ) reflects a daily intake of calcium of about 12.5 mmol ( 500 mg ) which is about 60% of the recommended dietary allowance for calcium .
10 Another strip light exploded in the roaring maelstrom , showering them with glass .
11 By using the MOTIFS search for protein patterns defined in the PROSITE dictionary , we have found that the carboxy terminal portion of the CL100 polypeptide contains a single copy of the highly conserved active-site sequence of protein-tyrosine phosphatases ( PTPases ) Ile/Val-His-Cys-X-Ala-Gly-X-X-arg ( amino acids 256–264 ) .
12 Under the system of research funding proposed in the White Paper the principle of plurality of research funding will be maintained , giving institutions access to block funds for research alongside targeted funding for specific projects from the research councils .
13 As the head of science put it : I think once it gets off the ground and we have got the library and the integrated studies and study skills teaching in a central resource area for the whole school , I think then , people are going to have to start seriously appraising the way they teach and I think that can only be a good thing .
14 The Dover Harbour Board argued in the early 1980s that ferries would be both cheaper and more reliable than a fixed link , a stance later adopted by the Flexilink consortium of ferry companies in its attempts to convince Parliament that the Channel Tunnel would be a financial disaster .
15 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
16 Horse Watch helped in the remarkable recovery of a National Hunt winner , returned to her Chester-le-Street owner last week , 14 months after she was stolen .
17 At least 16 people were killed when an artillery shell exploded in a crowded Sarajevo market yesterday .
18 The electric light bulb hung in a spherical Japanese lantern , blue , with a green cuttlefish curling round it , so that the light was cold and garish .
19 amd next week we 'll be back on the football trail to see in the new season
20 Despite cancellations from Norwegian and Swedish drivers because of boat damage suffered in a recent Italian race , a quality international field will vie for the European championship .
21 Muzzily overlaying this film onto recorded shots of the Daleks firing into the jungle — complete with ‘ negative ’ effect-gave an image similar in impact to the Id monster fight featured in the classic sf film Forbidden Planet .
22 Lawyers and a shorthand writer gathered in the front room of his home in Beith , Strathclyde , to take his evidence before a court-appointed Commissioner .
23 If the exile clubs survive in the top flight next year , only eight English clubs will be joining them .
24 While he waited for a response he got up and moved ponderously to the wind-up gramophone housed in a carved oaken cabinet in a cornet of the room .
25 The hammer blow came in the 62nd minute .
26 This variety can not be captured by the notion of loose apposition , and it can not , therefore , provide the basis for the analysis of the phrasal phenomena discussed in the final section or the discourse phenomena discussed in the preceding sections of this article .
27 Respective values for the later serial positions were compared between the two groups to test for the recency effect produced in the first group .
28 Women , who apparently thrive on stress , display typically aggressive ‘ type A ’ behaviour , which often includes becoming ‘ hooked ’ on vigorous exercise , hormonal imbalance which can eventually lead to irregular periods and weight loss resulting in an early menopause , brittle bones , thinning and wrinkling of the skin , and falling hair .
29 Also , my machine 's QVision card sits in a slow 8MHz ISA expansion slot , which restrains it considerably .
30 The Dorset Youth Orchestra 's coaching sessions culminated in a joint Prom with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra last month .
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