Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Metro does , however , have a few little problems ; the ghastly coloured light with which the dash is illuminated , a sort of blood-shot red ; some quite nasty , outdated body styling which involves add-on , red-striped plastic strips down the sides and a central locking system which emitted a noise rather like a very small horse coughing .
2 People who knocked about the revolutionary left at the time still remember Big Flame fondly as a fundamentally nice organization .
3 ‘ They 're aw' the same , ’ Isa lifted her knitting out the carrier together with a badly printed pattern clipped from a copy of The People 's Friend that she had found on the train to Wemyss Bay .
4 Because we want to take as many voluntary redundancies and early retirements as possible , and with employee turnover still at a relatively high six per cent per year , we can not say at present just where and when the jobs will go .
5 One research scientist , a friend of mine said that the setting up of a particularly apt experiment has lead him to a sense of the beautiful .
6 You talk about the inevitable ; as I see it , the inevitable is that you will have to move your mainly large-animal practice out into a more rural area , say , ten or twelve miles away .
7 Sometimes it happens that after a number of successive doses like this , the patient will have the beginnings of an aggravation : the medicine should be stopped for two to four days ( or a few hours in acute disease ) and in order to continue treatment you want to give the remedy now in a more diluted form : from the first cup ( not the bottle ) take one teaspoonful and dilute it in another cup , and one teaspoonful of this solution should be given to the patient .
8 First , that any attempt to implement a Marxist economic programme even on a relatively modest scale in a country which still has a large degree of freedom is doomed to catastrophe .
9 In addition to these direct effects , InsP 3 may stimulate calcium entry indirectly through a more complex mechanism involving the ER .
10 Nobody trusts the Trusts , it seems , except the Conservatives and I fear that we 're only a General Election away from a fully privatised Health Service .
11 Rachaela turned the chicken on to a very low light .
12 Even so , a significantly bigger tank than before ( 14.3 against 12.1 gallons ) has pushed the range up to a very respectable 386 miles , based on a touring consumption of 27.0mpg .
13 One could then regard law conceptually as a wholly empty series of ought statements to which content is added not by any logical deductions from some fundamental principles or from any material content lurking within the ‘ ought ’ itself but from the acts and decisions of the lawmakers in a society .
14 It may be that the round tombs are a reference back to a very ancient and primitive type of house , long-since abandoned except for tomb architecture , or they may be an exotic , a design imported from a foreign land where both tombs and houses were round .
15 Inwards , it is expressed in a bid to lead the community in question back to a more meticulous observance of the canons of Islam according to which it is supposed to be living .
16 It denies the existence of a general obligation to obey the law even in a reasonably just society , though it is argued that just governments may exist , and that in certain circumstances their existence is preferable to any alternative method of social organization .
17 He followed the dive-bomber round in a very tight turn and shot it down into the sea , but found that his own aircraft was by then burning fiercely .
18 If , in addition to posing the difficulty , he could say that there is no authority in point and that Grant 's case is distinguishable , and could also suggest some reasons why on these facts it ought to be distinguished , he would get a first class on that question instead of a very doubtful pass .
19 we replied that our only object was to secure a Government on such lines and with such a prospect of stability that it might reasonably be expected to be capable of carrying on the war ; that in our opinion his Government , weakened by the resignations of Lloyd George and Bonar Law and by all that had gone on during the past weeks , offered no such prospect and we answered the question therefore with a perfectly definite negative .
20 In ( a ) a thin strip of metal is tightly twisted to produce a hollow tube rather like a very thin drinking straw .
21 According to early ethological studies , it seemed that the young of certain birds like ducks and chickens would follow the first moving object they met and form a lasting attachment to it ; also that this attachment could take place only within a sharply limited period early on in development , and that it would affect all subsequent relationships .
22 The drama itself also benefits from this approach : writing in role slows the drama down in a very productive fashion , encouraging children to look at a particular situation in much greater depth than they would otherwise .
23 Indeed , I am most likely to have relationships on a day-to-day basis only with a relatively small number of people .
24 While recognising that recent trends in health education are encouraging a move away from a purely topics-based programme , pupils need to have access to reliable information on a wide range of aspects of health to help them make informed judgements about healthy practices .
25 Nevertheless , the move back towards a more generous welfare policy for older people was hesitatingly slow .
26 Currie ( 1987 ) has noted that there are some who maintain that policy is turning full circle back into a fully discretionary mode .
27 There is no room here for a highly technical debate about language , but what is clear is that Christianity can not possibly associate any view of God with what we would normally conceive a person to be .
28 But I would argue that there is a place too for a more structured approach — for the inclusion in the language curriculum of some kind of planned study of the way written language works .
29 Turn the dough on to a lightly floured surface and punch it down .
30 The path simply sheds water to either side ; but where a path which follows the contours goes down into a dip , you 'll have to ensure that ponding does n't occur , and it may be necessary to form a small land drain to lead the water away to a less waterlogged area .
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