Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Precision and consistency are the keys to success : the half-dozen friers in the long kitchen discreetly tucked behind a panelled wall are obviously highly disciplined .
2 The tent eventually fails into a deep stillness .
3 Where a person enters under a contractual right , the common duty of care under the Act will be implied into the contract , unless the contract expressly provides for a higher standard of care .
4 If one set of instruments can substitute for another , policy is in any case badly served by a legal framework which focuses on form rather than effect , as the UK restrictive practice legislation does .
5 Maxim was about to explain when the lieutenant obviously came to a snap judgment on his military value and slammed out again .
6 If the money so raised in a modern equivalent of this lottery is to be wasted on similar luxuries , it would be better if we saved our money or spent it on necessities .
7 The light in the passageway suddenly brightened into a blazing radiance .
8 Such imperfections of bowel function obviously result in a poorer quality of life for the patients concerned , suggesting that the price paid for avoidance of a permanent ileostomy may be too high in older patients .
9 As he neared , he could see that it belonged to a slight female form encased in dark garments , its hair entirely concealed by a white cap .
10 ELDORADO , the BBC supersoap launched in a blaze of glory only to fizzle like a damp squib , CAN be saved .
11 Labour 's share of the vote fell from 35.9 per cent in 1987 to 30.5 per cent , a result widely seen as a popular rejection of the government 's positive policies toward the European Communities ( EC ) .
12 This new thinking eventually resulted in a further book , Principles of Pragmatics , published in the Longman Linguistic Library in 1983 .
13 The army command long pressed for a local ‘ home guard ’ such as had been the rule in Malaya , Kenya and other terrorist situations .
14 Julius 's mouth suddenly set into a hard line that she remembered very well , and her nerves gave an involuntary quiver .
15 Whereas the original boasted an eerie aura , the remix merely sounds like a half-hearted run through an old New Order B-side .
16 Whereas the original boasted an eerie aura , the remix merely sounds like a half-hearted run through an old New Order B-side .
17 Thus , the imposition of these preconceptions on the object of study necessarily leads to a distorted view of the history of a language .
18 If your statute obviously belongs to a particular title , like ‘ Contract , ’ take down that volume of the collection and open it at the title ( known as the ‘ group ’ ) .
19 Other major Matcham theatres which survive include the Everyman Theatre , Cheltenham ( 1891 ) ; Grand Opera House in Belfast , Grand Theatre in Blackpool , and Opera House in Wakefield ( all 1894 ) ; Lyric Theatre , Hammersmith ( 1895 , dismantled in 1972 and the auditorium only re-erected on a new site in 1979 ) ; Empire , Langton ( 1895 ) ; Tivoli , Aberdeen ( 1896 and 1909 ) ; Richmond Theatre , Surrey ( 1899 ) ; Gaiety , Douglas , Isle of Man ( 1900 ) ; Hackney Empire and Hippodrome in Brighton ( both 1901 ) ; Opera House in Buxton , Devonshire Park Theatre in Eastbourne , Shepherds Bush Empire , and Royal Hall in Harrogate ( all 1903 ) ; King 's , Glasgow ( 1904 ) ; King 's , Southsea ( 1907 ) ; His Majesty 's in Aberdeen and Olympia in Liverpool ( both 1909 ) ; London Palladium ( 1910 ) ; and the Victoria Palace ( 1911 ) .
20 It is plain that the notions of a superior and a supreme criterion merely refer to a relative place on a scale and do not import any notion of legally unlimited legislative power .
21 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) reported at the end of September 1989 that seasonal ozone depletion over Antarctica ( believed to be caused primarily by chlorofluorocarbons — CFCs — see p. 36785 ) was increasing at the rate of 1.5 per cent a day ; the depletion largely occurred on a seasonal basis , with the ozone being replenished during summer months .
22 It should be said , incidentally , that the remastering of the original 78s has , without affecting the overall frequency range , virtually eliminated their surface noise and produced remarkably quiet backgrounds : the only exception is the Prokofiev sonata ( which Horowitz introduced the USA ) , where the 1945 recording ( the earliest here ) is also more resonant and in which , just occasionally , a little to much pedal is used : the tremendous drive of his rhythm nevertheless makes for a compelling performance .
23 audit methodology not geared to a systems-based approach ;
24 Alternatively , he or she may have a self-imposed rule not to drink before a certain time of day or on particular days , weeks or months or even years .
25 ‘ No more games , ’ he said roughly , as he finally had to draw his mouth away to drag in a quick snatch of breath .
26 The roof contains double the thickness of insulation normally included in a new home , the ground floors are thermally insulated and the traditional brick/block external cavity wall insulation has been increased .
27 I had a glimpse of a fair-haired girl staring wide-eyed and terrified from a tennis court , her racket held loose by her side and tennis balls scattered at her feet and , though the trees and buildings and gardens were nothing but a high-speed blur , my mind nevertheless registered with a startling clarity that the girl had been completely naked .
28 No doubt there is something mildly shocking about such behaviour , academically considered , though on a long view The Structure of Complex Words may look like the most sustained compliment ever paid by a critical mind to a great dictionary .
29 THE ARRIVAL of a live album usually comes with a tacit admission that a band are either low on new material or about to suffer an imminent career flop and need one last cash-in .
30 Figure 8.5 Courtship usually consists of a recognizable sequence of male and female activities , ending in mating .
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