Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Anne Marriner , 23 , admitted attempting to obtain property by deception and two counts of criminal damage all committed on the same day during January .
2 The Guardian and Daily Mail alone stayed in the same ownership throughout the period .
3 All atoms with a particular speed thus deposit in the same place .
4 It consists in ‘ nothing but a participation of the same continued life , by constantly fleeting particles of matter , in succession vitally united to the same organized body ’ .
5 You can place a marker at the edge of the swim which , at forty yards or more range , is a tremendous aid to accurate casting and ensures that groundbait always goes in the same spot .
6 The Commission argued that , even if the requirements in question formally applied in the same way to nationals of the host state , in reality they were discriminatory in terms of both their purpose and their effects , since the overwhelming majority of British nationals involved in the fishing industry were likely to fulfil the residence requirement .
7 Once it has been shown that the matter in question always reacts in the same way under fixed conditions , a theory can be devised to explain its behaviour .
8 The second half unfortunately continued in the same fashion .
9 It 's rare to find the BBC TV Gardeners ' World team all gathered in the same garden , but our Chelsea garden 's Gold Medal deserved a special television get-together to celebrate with designers Faith and Geoffrey Whiten , who share their winning ideas with us on page 18 .
10 The 231 staff were re-employed indefinitely — at cost of £50,000 each — some doing less work for the same money .
11 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
12 The ancient and beautiful church of All Saints is the oldest building in the village , newly built in 1318 , although an unendowed building probably stood on the same site from 1086 when the Domesday Book was compiled .
13 In the event , the water is far from hot — the EOKA gunmen who were once interned in this camp probably relied on the same boiler for water , and I am sure it was with a wry sense of humour that the Greek Cypriot government allocated St David 's Camp to the British contingent of the UN Forces in Cyprus .
14 ‘ So many separate bits of evidence all pointing in the same direction .
15 However , the court also said in the same paragraph that Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 required member states to respect the principle that there should be no discrimination against nationals of other member states .
16 We have , then , student wittingness and intellectual maturity both pointing in the same direction .
17 The greatest examples have been lost completely : Old S. Peter 's , built in 330 by Constantine , was replaced by the great basilica now standing on the same site , S. John in Lateran has been considerably altered .
18 Each layer or sheet , of which there may be 50 or 100 altogether , contains fibres of the protein collagen all pointing in the same direction within the plane of the layer , so that each sheet has a readily ( if you have an electron microscope ) discernible direction or polarity associated with it .
19 This states that a pure compound always consists of the same elements combined in the same proportion by weight .
20 In The Origin , and already as far back as The German Ideology , Marx and Engels followed their contemporaries in believing that the history of mankind usually went through the same sequence of technological improvement .
21 And then there 's just your vest now to go in the same drawer as your jumper .
22 The speed of élite competition means that your countering punch either arrives at the same time as any deflection you make , or very soon after it .
23 ‘ We were seeking to find if the river always spilled at the same points , and the answer was yes .
24 The real impact of the madrigal also dates from the same year , when Thomas East published Musica Transalpina , a collection of Italian madrigals with English translations together with one English madrigal by Byrd .
25 Travis had raised himself out of his despair to quip that she and his cousin both worked for the same firm , but the message that had come across to her from the dark steely look of Naylor Massingham was that that might be true now , but , since she had chosen not to heed his warning , one of them would not be working for the same firm for very much longer !
26 If the actor were full , really full , of feeling , how could he play the same part twice running with the same spirit and success ?
27 The Heath government fell in 1974 and the Box largely fell at the same time .
28 Woven carpets , such as Axminster and Wilton , are still second to none in design and quality , and these are still produced by having the backing and the pile both woven at the same time .
29 Reptiles and amphibians use a three-chambered heart , where blood goes into a separate part of the atrium on its way to the muscles , but the blood on its way back empties into the same ventricle .
30 If the neuron is allowed to take up similarly labelled materials from the outside world by endocytosis at the growth cone , all the fluorescence again appears in the same kind of vacuole , travelling down the axon .
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