Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The remains of the iron overshot water wheel eventually went for scrap in the late 1960s .
2 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
3 This does not mean that the mind just responds to information in the way in which a thermostat , for instance , transduces information about temperature and performs switching operations .
4 Below-the-line advertising , the term generally used for merchandising in stores including in-store promotions , is another case in point .
5 Calves may show clinical signs during the prepatent period and occasionally a massive infection can cause severe dyspnoea of sudden onset often followed by death in 24-48 hours .
6 The ancient-astronaut industry really got under way in 1969 , with the first English-language publication of a book called Chariots of the Gods ? , by Erich von Däniken .
7 Car 2 was presented to the National Tramway Museum at Crich in 1963 , where it became the first car there to move under power in June 1964 .
8 Now let us assume a more dynamic perspective and consider how this religion actually works over time in different phases of the life-cycle of the local group .
9 Reluctantly , Johnson accepted their advice , and on 31 March 1968 he made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to announce a fresh peace initiative , the reduction of bombing raids on North Vietnam , and his decision not to stand for re-election in November .
10 Its technological arsenal slowly lumbered into place in the desert , while Saddam had five months to prepare his defences .
11 Architecture also differs from language in its strict observation of its own rules and conventions , and in its sense of detail .
12 They first presented small milk containers ‘ of the type often provided with coffee in restaurants ’ , with intact tops , to 16 birds .
13 Ms Kate Noble , Support Services Co-ordinator for Age Concern in this area wrote to the Parish Council recently asking for assistance in identifying needs of older people in the rural areas and ways in which those needs could be met by Age Concern .
14 A WIDOW raped on Christmas Day as she returned home from midnight mass yesterday appealed for help in finding her attacker .
15 It also contended that he should have £80,000 to buy a house , in which his carers could live upstairs , rather than £150,000 for a bungalow more suited to life in a wheelchair .
16 Paradise still tends towards blandness in places but overall this is a strong , proud piece of artistic solidarity which merits notice beyond the middle-of-the-road bargain bins to which it has already been consigned .
17 His previous attempt failed when four members resigned in protest at parliament 's refusal to lift the immunity of Bettino Craxi , a former Socialist leader widely suspected of involvement in corruption .
18 Again , the 103/4 conveyed a perfectly tangible image , with the sound literally hanging in space in the room .
19 A period of seven years was set as the publication cycle for new editions ; the sixteenth edition thus appeared on time in 1958 .
20 Hares ( but not rabbits ) are particularly vulnerable to paraquat , a herbicide often applied to stubble in the autumn so that it can be easily burned .
21 It apparently intends melding 32-bit versions of Windows and DOS ( the reputed DOS 7.0 ) in one package reportedly slated for delivery in 18 to 24 months .
22 The final day of this particular stream then looks at entrepreneurship in IT .
23 The match barely rose above mediocrity in the opening stages , with Darlington 's main tactic of pumping balls forward to Steve Mardenborough constantly breaking down , while Darren Patterson and former Feethams striker Gary Worthington were well wide with left foot shots at the other end .
24 You 've got to get the ball in the right area to take advantage of them and that knowledge only comes with practice in similar conditions . ’
25 Example 4:12 Rent review machinery ; no notice ; determination by expert ( 1 ) if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by an independent surveyor acting as an expert ( 2 ) the independent surveyor shall ( a ) be appointed in default of agreement by the President ( b ) give the landlord and the tenant an opportunity to make representations to him and to reply to each other 's representations ( but shall not be bound by them ) ( c ) have power to determine how the costs of the reference shall be borne ( d ) publish his decision within two months of his appointment ( 3 ) if the independent surveyor dies delays or becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or if for any reason the President thinks fit he may discharge the independent surveyor and appoint another in his place and may repeat this procedure as often as necessary Example 4:13 Landlord 's option to select method of resolving disputes if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by arbitration or ( if the landlord so elects by notice in writing given not later than one month before the relevant review date time being of the essence ) by an independent surveyor acting as an expert
26 Collinson also acted as intermediary in obtaining seeds from America , particularly those which gave rise to an extensive plantation of evergreens in the park , a principal feature of Woburn at the time .
27 Their offer only applies to property in the home counties .
28 The popular health movement also looks at health in a holistic way — the physical , mental and spiritual aspects .
29 Its partners include two women whose dedication is such that Mrs Anne Elliott even worked in the morning before going into hospital in the afternoon to have her first baby .
30 Ms Bueno , who won 20 Grand Slam titles in an on-court career abruptly curtailed through injury in the late sixties , commented today : ‘ Tennis Interlink is an exciting new concept which will enhance our sport at many levels .
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