Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] had [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this Karajan proved the catalyst everyone had been waiting for .
2 It was the story of a lifetime , the story I had been born for .
3 In my own case I had been taught by Okely to avoid the split between subjectivism and an objective reality , but I had no preparation to contend with the changes which the field experience created in me .
4 I must say , something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits ; the simple kindness I had been thanked for , and the simple kindness I had been offered in return , caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days .
5 I must say , something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits ; the simple kindness I had been thanked for , and the simple kindness I had been offered in return , caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days .
6 It happened , however , that while I was at the College I had been approached by the Bristol University Board of Extra-Mural Studies , where a post was for the moment vacant organizing adult education work chiefly in Wiltshire .
7 I had certainly found the rural setting I had been hankering after .
8 Most of the latter ( except Stopes 's five clinics ) affiliated with the Family Planning Association which had been formed from the National Birth Control Association in 1939 .
9 On May 26 , 1989 , the Belau and US governments signed a series of subsidiary agreements in Guam on additional economic and social aid as an incentive for the population of Belau to ratify the compact of free association which had been negotiated in 1982 .
10 On April 1 , 1990 , the Hungarian Zionists Association which had been dissolved after the Second World War , was re-established , with the aim of promoting the formation of a minority council within the Jewish community .
11 In human terms the reasoning which had been presented to him was filled with flaws and false assumptions .
12 Chaovalit 's entry to government was expected to raise the prestige of the administration which had been beset over the previous year by a series of corruption scandals and labour disputes .
13 Grujović , an Austrian Serb , had been professor of law at Kharkov , and had acted as secretary to the Serbian delegation which had been sent to St Petersburg to enlist the support of the Russians .
14 There was optimism at the beginning of February that the violence which had been waged in Azerbaijan and along its borders with Armenia with such ferocity in the previous month [ see pp. 37168-70 ] might be ended by peace talks between the leaders of the Azerbaijan Popular Front and Armenian Pan-National Front which began in Riga ( the Latvian capital ) on Feb. 1 .
15 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
16 War production — the very continuance of the war itself — depended on civilian morale ; morale determined the need to take account of the blueprints for the future which had been articulated before the war began .
17 The decision concluded a debate within the party and more generally on the country 's political future which had been launched by President Joao Bernardo Vieira in May 1990 [ see p. 37802 ] in response to demands for change .
18 Some years ago , some of these people were accidentally given blood which had been infected with HIV and so the virus got into their bloodstream .
19 Indica 's contacts with modern art had yielded , through the Robert Fraser Gallery a large American car which had been painted in fashionable stripes by New York 's Binder , Edwards and Vaughan , interior decorators .
20 On June 4 , 1990 , it was announced that the vertical script would be reintroduced in schools , alongside the Cyrillic script which had been introduced in 1946 .
21 The end labelled probe was mixed with 20µg of protein extract which had been preincubated with 5µg poly ( d ( I-C ) ) and single stranded or doubled stranded competitor DNA .
22 Tommy Weir , 66 , of Walker Street , in Fauldhouse , West Lothian , died last Thursday of a heart attack after waiting more than 50 minutes for an ambulance which had been sent to Falkirk by mistake .
23 The inquest heard that the children had got into the site through a hole in a wire fence which had been made by the fire brigade to drain and the tank .
24 An " unnatural light " allowed " never-resting labour " to work at night ; labour which had been called to " unceasing toil " by a bell " of harsher import than the curfew-knoll / That spake the Norman Conqueror 's stern behest " .
25 It is possible that the earlier epidemics absorbed the existing population surplus and that the later outbreaks upset the balance between land and labour which had been re-established after 1350 .
26 Or was it a trophy which had been brought to the island ?
27 Dr Ian Rolfe , then of the Hunterian Museum at the University of Glasgow snapped him up as supervisor of YOPs on a Manpower Services scheme to develop fossils in rock which had been excavated in Australia in the 1960s .
28 Traders and craftsmen , who provided goods for the troops and the King 's Court , built their houses on the sloping tail of rock which had been protected from erosion when slowly passing ice sheets had scraped at the valley floor .
29 In 1814–20 it was a trifid movement : a conservative-tinged Freemasonry which had been introduced among the official classes by the French during the occupation ; a liberal-nationalist group , perhaps influenced by English Masonry , with its first stronghold in Cadiz — the Masonry of Istúriz , Alcalá Galiano , Mendizábal ; a purely military Masonry of young officer activists .
30 Nero 's adoption of this type of official portrait was an aspect of his revival of the practice of likening the emperor to a god , a practice which had been avoided by the emperors of the previous ninety years ( see also p. 40 ) ; at the same time the choice of this particular model marks a major stage in the growing importance Nero attached to his own theatrical and musical performances which , when given in public , deeply shocked traditional Romans .
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