Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 M. I gave you that book to read because I thought you would feel identified with him .
2 In addition , my Grandfather , for twenty-odd years prior to his death , at the age of seventy two in 1907 , suffered from a chest condition which incapacitated him each winter .
3 You 'll find enclosed the original photograph you brought me some time ago — the one I took the enlargement from .
4 But in spite of her enthusiasm , she never tumbled to the silent response which greeted her each time she told the story .
5 True , he was an All-State footballer which gave him some excitement and fun ; but he always stayed in Neptune with Lorraine and with Mud .
6 The girl who found him that day by the lake was sent by destiny , by fate , the atheists ' substitute for God .
7 I remember an American pilot with about 200 hours , a twin-engine Commercial and full Instrument Rating who visited us some years ago .
8 When at last she gained some independence by taking a job which gave her some income of her own , she suddenly put her foot down .
9 Good job you saw it this morning and not last night then is it ?
10 ‘ No , but after what you told me I have a suspicion you kissed me that night at Ib 's Club deliberately in an effort to convince her you 'd found someone else to replace her in your heart and in your bed . ’
11 When she stopped her feeble battering I took her some tea topped up with a couple of powdered sleeping pills .
12 But it was the ability to become a socially responsible landlord which gave him most satisfaction .
13 He was lucky to have the support of his family , but above all , in having as his Lady Mayoress a wife who showed him such love and devotion , in sickness and in health .
14 However tempting it may be , try to avoid falling in to the trap of ‘ in my day we did it this way ’ or you may receive a stinging reply .
15 So now I 'm trying to tell it to this pad he bought me this morning .
16 Last month I gave you some homework .
17 That was my auntie and that was the l the woman who gave me that tea set I were telling you about .
18 Annika Sorenstam , the 22-year-old Swede who was playing in what was only her second LPGA event , finished as well placed as fourth — a performance which won her some $37,000 .
19 Their work was hampered when a large boulder blocking their way was moved , resulting in a further fall of shale which took them several hours to remove .
20 Mahler himself conducted it this way on one occasion . ’
21 From the man who told us that unemployment was a price well worth paying , we now have the strategy for the 1990s — ’ wait and see ’ .
22 At last amazing inside story of Fergie 's shattered marriage … by James Whittaker , the man who brought you THOSE pictures
23 I have read my Foucault , I am aware of the conceptual shortcomings of a timeless , essentialist homosexual identity , I might even want to take the step of putting quotations marks around the word ‘ gay ’ — but the man who queerbashed me some years ago did not put quotation marks around his fists .
24 What was the agency in London , what was the name of the man who gave you that packet ?
25 Turning back to the landlord , Giles Aplin said , ‘ I already know the name of the man who gave you this watch — but I want to hear it from your lips — and I want the truth . ’
26 ‘ He promises the world to get you into the mood , ’ said a Kensington socialite who dated him several times .
27 One thing I struck me this week there 's a new regulation as regard punctures on tyres because I had this completely flat tyre and a whole new set of tyres and I said to him well ca n't you mend it , ca n't you put an inner tube in like I I 've done before cos there was a nail in it you see .
28 He lacked spark from the start and never hit the kind of form which won him this title in the same ring last October .
29 I went to my doctor who gave me some pain-killers and told me to rest .
30 As it stood , it consisted of a multi-volume jumble of vers libre , written over many years , some in the form of letters , especially to her mother — ‘ if I sent her a letter she sent me some money — so I kept on writing ’ — listing the men she 'd known .
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