Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [pron] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Talking of Lester Piggott he of course was the winner of the first ever Channel Four personality of the year trophy which we awarded for the first time last year .
2 Croydon Corporation was not satisfied with the compensation which it received for the loss of its tramways and went to arbitration .
3 Only time will tell but at least it is a step in the right direction and certainly in line with the views expressed by Mary Joe Fernandez in a splendidly reasoned and cogent article which she wrote for The New York Times at the end of last year .
4 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
5 The role which it envisages for the state is limited to that of providing the minimum framework necessary for the regulation of competing private interests , while the gesellschaft model of law is conceived in terms of formally defining the equivalent individual rights that are required to make the market work .
6 We have tried to sum up the fragments of information which we have for the last three centuries in our second chapter , ‘ Glimpses of a Lost History ’ .
7 I poured him a glass of the special malt which I kept for the rare occasions of celebration or consolation in my life .
8 We came out with a record recently called ’ no matter who you vote for the Government always gets in ’
9 The 21-stone club chairman , reported to police by one of the photographers he assaulted on Monday , was on the rampage once more , threatening to give free transfers to the entire squad whom he blames for the £50,000 Football League fine .
10 But when he argued over the great issues of human belief , he still did so in the tone which he reserved for the politics of the pavement and the public baths , the voice pitched somewhere between a sneer and a snarl .
11 As the later authors have adjusted the dating of the Muftilik of Molla Arab in order to make room for that of Abdulkerim , so they have stretched the facts considerably in extending the Muftilik of Molla Husrev to cover the whole vexed period from the date which they give for the death of Fahreddin Acemi , namely 865/1460–1 , to that which they give for the accession of Molla Gurani ( 885/1480 ; but cf. below , pp. 144 et sqq. , especially p. 150 ) .
12 This is a campaign booklet which I prepared for the RCN 's Association of Nursing Students in 1985 ; much of it also applies to returning nurses .
13 In 1938 he was elected president of the International Youth Hostel Federation , an office which he held for the next twelve years .
14 Although there was no other region which he dominated for the king , he did have other land which allowed him to exercise lordship on a more modest scale .
15 Although there was no other region which he dominated for the king , he did have other land which allowed him to exercise lordship on a more modest scale .
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