Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
2 They hope to raise £1 million for the upkeep of the Manor which dates back to the 13th century .
3 ( See appendix letter 3 and letter 4 which shows the reply which came back from the parents . )
4 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
5 Rising stress claims have also been bad news for big employers like Wells Fargo Bank , the California institution which echoes back to the stage coach era .
6 Returning to the bedroom she crept back to the bed , raised the knife and without a moment 's thought drove it down into the sleeper 's chest .
7 The moment you see a striped juggling club you think back to the circus .
8 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
9 Four fifty million , erm between programme re-orientation and other factors was an apportionment we made back in the er first half of nineteen ninety three and in the light of later information I think we would revise that now erm we are still negotiating with the contractors on the revised contract price and we do not have definitive costs yet but in fact the cost increase as a result of the rescheduling of the programme directly should be quite modest .
10 When the pair finish one car they go back to the beginning of their segment and start on another .
11 It is well established that objects are perceived to have the same colour despite quite extensive variations in the colour of the light with which they are illuminated and hence the wavelength of the light they reflect back to the retina .
12 While he still had five fingers under his command he went back to the window and dropped Estabrook 's letter through , murmuring the address with a tongue that felt disfigured in his mouth .
13 It is a link which goes back to the Bronze Age and was common throughout the British Isles in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries .
14 English winemakers are always having to put up with this kind of jibe , despite possessing a viticultural heritage which dates back to the Romans .
15 In a kind of panic I walked back to the carob and along the east side of the gulley to the top of the cliff that overlooked the private beach .
16 Man too has a mechanism of mimicry which goes back to the baby in the cradle answering its mother 's smile , older than any utilization for learning how others feel or how to pick up skills or even for play , and which can get out of control in neurotic echolalia and echopraxia .
17 As such , Hitler had become in a way the projection of national aspirations to greatness which reached back into the imperial ambitions of the Wilhelmine era , and which in added strength under Nazism had found an echo among much of the German population , not least as a compensation for a far greyer reality .
18 I met a teacher recently , one of our best , the sort of charismatic individual with a ready smile , a mind full of anarchic ideas , a love of literature and an effortless but much practised classroom skill which bounces back from the interested eyes 0& his students .
19 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
20 We took them to lunch at the Bull Inn which dates back to the 15th century , and afterwards explored the local market .
21 Jotan indicated the second staircase , a precipitous exit which turned back from the landing and passed through the wall against which the props for the staging were supported .
22 With a heavy sigh she lay back on the pile of beach cushions , closing her eyes against the early-morning sun , already climbing high in the sky .
23 With a brief laugh he lay back on the bed , closing his eyes .
24 When he reached the last machine he went back to the beginning and played them all again .
25 The reason for this is that the money you receive back at the end of the year will not go as far or buy as much as it did 12 months earlier .
26 Yes , if we skip all the intermediate years with , after the war I came back from the army to find we 'd been bombed out and were living in requisition accommodation , after a time , the , we were moved into a new flat over some shops .
27 The next moment I jumped back against the wall , trembling with fear and horror .
28 This is a process which goes back to the two questions raised on page 66 :
29 Thieves probably benefited from a certain popular tolerance which dated back to the time when individual thefts of cattle were a legitimate means of pursuing a dispute .
30 From the moment you sit back in the Orion 's roomy interior , you 'll know how it feels to drive a classic car .
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