Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
2 MENZIESHILL secured the Division I title in the Scottish Indoor League for the third successive year when old rivals MIM beat second-placed Kelburne 7-6 at the Dick McTaggart Centre in Dundee .
3 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
4 The icy fear which showed in the older man 's eyes cut through Vologsky 's mild concern like a knife , chilling him to the bone .
5 These are mainly for tin but also for zinc , lead and silver which occur in the same veins , and for wolfram and tungsten , which are used in making special steels .
6 The generally slow and mellow nature of most of the tracks here shows just how wide the differences were between the styles of go-ahead be-bop ( as exemplified by Savoy 's Parker recordings ) and a more easy-going approach to jazz which developed in the late 1940s and '50s in the wake of the bop 's increasing hectic and adventurous music .
7 The greatest surprise came when in 1935 Warner Bros released Black Fury , a movie which depicted in a direct and totally unprecedented way the impact of a strike on a coal-mining community .
8 To ensure that its courtship sounds are heard , the male mole cricket builds an amplifier which works in a similar way to the horn of an old gramophone .
9 In the equal-opportunities field observers can analyse the talk which occurs in a mixed class .
10 Of the minority of the working classes who were Methodists by 1815 even after the growth surge which began in the 1790s , most were not members of the forming industrial proletariat .
11 What does seem likely , at least in part , is that a practice which began in the Sixties — distinguishing themselves from their left-leaning peers through a pose of premature reactionism — has since become an indistinguishable part of their character .
12 In 1983 , when a much smaller number of students completed IT Advanced Courses , 14 per cent were unemployed at the end of their courses ( 1 ) , a figure which halved in the following six months ( 2 ) .
13 This was a bribe-riddled deal which resulted in the first imprisonment of a former cabinet official .
14 The process of commercialization and industrialization in the newspaper industry which began in the 19th century thus continued to have an important effect on newspapers in this century as newspaper costs escalated , as new methods were developed to tap new audiences , to reach new readers , and to increase sales .
15 On 29 September 1955 , with just a few days of filming to go , Dean turned up at a gay party at Malibu which culminated in a bitchy foray between Dean and a former male lover who accused him of dating women purely for publicity .
16 Indeed , the northern hemisphere mean temperature decrease which began in the 1940s was arrested and reversed during the mid 1970s ( figure 6.15 ) and the seven warmest years in the past 100 years have occurred since 1980 ( 1980 , 1981 , 1983 , 1986 , 1987 , 1988 , 1990 ) .
17 Before they left the house the boys also urinated all over the murals of Kamala and the Wheel you painted in the top room and smashed the player Ron had built , slashing the recorder with a knife .
18 Guy Sterne 's eyes held a glitter of amusement , but a darker emotion she saw in the pale green-grey brought colour sweeping up her neck to her face .
19 She seems to have a moth-like fragility until , spellbound by the weightless command she exercises in a long , intimate soliloquy , you realise that you are the moth and she the candle .
20 The Niue People 's Action Party ( NPAP ) , Niue 's only formal political association ( which was strongly opposed to the leadership of Sir Robert Rex who had dominated politics since Niue became self-governing ) , made gains with the victory of sympathizers including Tauveve Jacobsen , who retained the seat she won in a 1989 by-election , and Sani Lakitani , the founder of the NPAP .
21 Perot Systems Corp chief Morton Meyerson , seen as a front-runner for the chief executive post at IBM Corp , is described by the Wall Street Journal as an exuberantly eccentric Texas hacker and outdoorsman who lives in a converted electrical substation with exposed plumbing , a massive crane hanging from the ceiling , and an elaborate concert hall ’ — sounds just the man for the task of turning IBM around .
22 Four Quartets offers an image of that " entity " , and the figure who appears in the Dantesque passage is a " familiar compound ghost " in whom Eliot suggested we might recognize Yeats , Mallarmé , Swift and Poe .
23 The figure you place in the final column is how much you can afford to spend repaying a mortgage every month .
24 In the name of God Almighty , Father , Son and Holy Spirit , we dedicate this museum to the memory of all those of the Eighth Army Air Force who served in the Second War and in our dedication , we pray to Almighty God that there may be no third .
25 It covers the situation where the works council demands the dismissal or transfer of an employee who behaves in an illegal or socially harmful way .
26 New Zealand rugby and the All Blacks were not quite protected by the armour-plating they wore in the two years after the 1987 World Cup triumph , but the Irish would pay testimony to the fact that the All Blacks had become a very hard bunch of men by the end of their tour .
27 I think as a Group Captain er explained y'know the the operational staff have really got to complete their study into what kind of tactical reconnaissance capability they want in the next century .
28 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
29 Racing is often cruelly unfair , however , and while Top Class looks marvellous each-way value , Brittain 's dreams of victory could be wrecked by Golden Pheasant , a horse he trained in the early part of the season .
30 Now , with Teesside boxing doyen Phil Thomas as president it trains in the former Palm Lounge of the DeNiros pub/disco .
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