Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
2 On other occasions , both before and shortly after that visit , you made work which revealed your enthusiasm for other American interests : its space programme , its fashion , Detroit , Kennedy and Hollywood .
3 My Mam was a very attractive , passionate , extrovert womon who lived her life for my Dad and for all of us .
4 Meanwhile , Mr Paul Tsongas , the former Massachusetts senator who suspended his campaign for the Democratic nomination a month ago , hinted yesterday that he might re-enter the race if Mr Clinton did poorly in New York .
5 That was in The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit , whose title became a kind of cat-call at the conforming commuter who sacrificed his integrity for a safe income and suburban comfort .
6 In the evening she sent her maid for me .
7 Looked at in a different way , a feudal knight would have a squire who carried his armour for him , sharpened up his sword , and polished his boots .
8 It should allow access by different fields , so that , for example , a teacher should be able to inquire whether a particular item has arrived in the library by identifying the author or the title of the item or by giving the name of the teacher who recommended its acquisition for the school library .
9 While Oliver was out of the room she abandoned her chair for the couch , kicked off her shoes and curled up .
10 She is a keen skier and wears a jacket with skiers on the back which gave her inspiration for her design .
11 The station which renewed its licence for only £2,000 a year made bumper sales to the ITV network with Taggart and Wheel of Fortune .
12 His choice was blocked by the pro-government Unionist newspaper which paid his fine for him .
13 this National Service you served your country for a set period of time .
14 She has from day one showed her disdain for me as one opposed to hypocrisy and her type of esoteric or pseudo intellectuality — being satisfied as I am with intelligence , integrity and interest ( ! ) — and has manifestly made it clear she overtly dislikes me because I wo n't be moulded or do what she wants or tells me — she suffers the matriarch/ bossy syndrome ( childhood nickname I am told was ) and does not like the fact I am utterly my own forthright person who spoils the incestuous sibling smythe-watson quartet which she ‘ ran ’ so self-interestedly for so long …
15 To her chagrin he took her acceptance for granted .
16 Every morning I thank his maker for that . ’
17 But his explanation for the lie that cost him his job failed to convince an industrial tribunal which rejected his claim for unfair dismissal .
18 Mr Punch wishes to assure you that he has had many a good belly laugh from the magazine which bore his name for so many years .
19 Designer Daniel Andrieu was present as the concealing-sheet was whipped away amid a swirling cloud of smoke which hid his creation for a few choking seconds before we could see what had been achieved .
20 It was the Captain who voiced his opinion for him : ‘ It 's no wonder we ca n't find flats for our boys when they want to get married , with this sort of competition .
21 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
22 Throughout the book he referred to it as the monster or used another word which expressed his hatred for it .
23 I love it when a plan does n't work how dry I am , how dry I am , nobody knows how dry I am will you get me whisky for me ?
24 POLICE have spoken by telephone with the man who left his girlfriend for dead after a car crash in Cleveland .
25 A man who lost his agency for imported electronic equipment , for example , did not praise nationalization of the import business .
26 He confesses his past mistakes to his daughter who reaffirms her love for him and then , at the close of the play , he retires to the shade of a beech tree and dies .
27 ‘ I do n't know what to say , ’ Farmer Bolsover said to Brownie Owl , ‘ except that I am very sorry for what I did say about the Brownies , especially about the Brownie who climbed my apple-tree for her budgie .
28 Cd you confirm your diary for next week with me some time ?
29 In this poem he thanks his benefactor for obtaining his release after ‘ Well nigh sev'n years ’ of captivity :
30 It is as if , while in the presence of a dead man , the poet is reverent and sad , but once out of his presence he vents his anger for his dead friend on nature .
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