Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [verb] him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like a flash I had laid him all out on the ground ,
2 General Orsborn recognised both him and the young Australian who had given him such a memorable welcome to her homeland .
3 Ironically , the exercise he did to keep him fit , has caused his back injury .
4 It was the first real opportunity she had to study him unobserved .
5 He can not see why cash which has earned him monthly interest running into five figures should be squandered for the sake of a perceived way of life that is now beset by escalating economic and political pressure .
6 So in the first case they 've given him , the first place they 've given him six six six five allowances but then they pull back the total of those three .
7 For a moment it had made him inclined to doubt the authenticity of the whole thing .
8 As Charlotte started after her , it crossed her mind that this throw-away remark was the kindest thing Ursula had found to say about the man she had been married to for more than twenty years since the day they had found him dead .
9 On Forgive 'N Forget 's most recent outing he had run fourth behind Combs Ditch at Haydock Park , and that horse was also in the Gold Cup field , third favourite after a highly successful season which had brought him three good prizes and a neck defeat by Wayward Lad in the King George VI Chase at Kempton Park .
10 Stewart is still battling to fully shake off hamstring trouble which has plagued him all season .
11 His war wound which had pained him earlier was now turning to agony .
12 She was a beautiful woman who had found him attractive , or at least pretended to do so .
13 Eliot 's renunciation of primitivism and sexuality recalls this phrasing while pulling away from the world which had fascinated him earlier ; he sees from the fertile ‘ slotted window bellied like the fig 's fruit ’ how
14 He wondered how he had found sufficient courage to ask her to the Edwardian Ball , and then remembered that it was her air of calm dignity which had made him anxious to take her to impress his parents .
15 Horbury was on drugs for high-blood pressure which had made him impotent and claims his wife admitted adultery , Mr Rees said .
16 He took her hand , not to kiss , but as he might have taken a man 's hand who had met him fair and done him honour .
17 Parents and doctors want to switch off the system which has kept him alive since the 1989 , but fear the legal implications .
18 A feeling of malaise which had beset him earlier , and which he had blamed on the news from Oxford , persisted .
19 Azhag possessed a strange iron crown which appeared to give him sorcerous powers .
20 From some hidden vantage-point she had watched him that morning , while he rode away with the image of her in his mind and his —
21 Neil was ready to knock Blaine down , had come out of the trance which had held him silent under Havvie 's insults to the girl he loved — but he saw Sally-Anne 's face , and read there only guilt , not the shame which gripped her .
22 If a magistrate or other influential figure in a town was the owner of a building in which an excise office was then located , he too was vulnerable to pressure should he waver in his loyalty to the political interest which had given him this tenant .
23 He recalled the businessman again , saw his face , framed in the night-light outside the small house they had kept him captive in .
24 In fact he had barred him some three weeks previously in mid-March .
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