Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [noun] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the feeble light his hand searched for the bolt , found it and shot it home .
2 Just on half time number eight Hastings scored a push-over try which McGarry converted for a 17–0 lead .
3 The first particular strategy which has been subject to criticism has been the reliance on possible first use of nuclear weapons as a means of countering presumed superior Soviet conventional power — a reliance which McNamara sought for a while to abandon when Secretary of Defense in the early 1960s , and which he openly challenged in a famous recent article ( Bundy et al . ,
4 It would be criminal — it would be criminal to neglect the opportunity which Auschwitz affords for the furtherance …
5 I prayed then that this merciful fate which Leslie wished for the enemy had been granted also to him .
6 Nationalism was , is and will be : it is , as Tom Nairn put it , the Janus-face looking at once forward to liberation and progress and backward to reactionary and often mythical notions of the past ; it is a force which should never be identified with the nation-state , a concept which nationalism has for a time inhabited , as a hermit crab inhabits a shell , but is evidently beginning to evacuate as the sovereign nation-state shows clear sign of obsolescence .
7 Even where the base cost of the shares in Target is reduced , for example if there is a claim for breach of warranty made by Newco against the vendors which goes to reduce the overall price which Newco pays for the shares , the position can be restored if the amount Newco receives in settlement of the claim is invested in the target company in return for an issue of further shares to Newco .
8 Most analysts are surprised at the price which CSR paid for the American ARC operations .
9 The beginning of that evolution is usually dated to the constitution which Solon produced for the city in or around the year 594 BC.Solon 's intervention was itself the outcome of a period of conflict between " the masse and " the notable , according to the account given by Aristotle in The Athenian Constitution .
10 The ‘ Kingdom of God ’ is only mentioned twice ( 3:3 , 5 ) because it ‘ calls to mind that apocalyptic Judaism which John seems for the most part to avoid .
11 When they stood at the curb to cross the road her back ached for the support of his hand in its pit .
12 Well in a sense we were able to give this very quiet manner and very enthusiastic , very explicit , very kindly , very polite erm man his chance to relive for a moment erm this great contribution that he made in the past .
13 This was the situation which Morgan described for the Iroquois when several tribes get together , not any more on the basis of kinship or marriage , but on the basis of confederacy .
14 And erm , it wa , at the reception afterwards we actually paid him the fine er , a contribution to a a , a fund his church had for a painting they wanted to buy .
15 The problem for Trotsky was thus very similar to the problem which bureaucracy poses for the liberal interventionist , or welfare , state : how can those with the responsibility for carrying out the functions of government be controlled — in this case by a political leadership consisting of dedicated and ideologically sound revolutionaries ?
16 Sixthly , although a court may hesitate to order production by those not officers of the company whose administrators apply for the documents , there is no embargo in principle against ordering ‘ third parties ’ to produce documents .
17 It was the very same story the time oor Isa sent for the stilettos very much against my advice as it happens but they were supposed to be real made-in-England leather uppers available in three colourways , aubergine , aqua or avocado well , as she said herself she was expecting green but nothing quite as Irish as they turned out in fact to be .
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