Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] having a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An example was cited where by cutting back on BSB claims and by adjusting his grain acreage slightly downwards , a farmer could gain very substantially by making his farm eligible for extensification premia through having a lower stocking rate .
2 Despite all his talk about having a clear conscience , about Gentle being the man to save her , he was deeply reluctant to hand the letter over .
3 The plot has still to be finalised but insiders say Marcus will find out he has AIDS after having a gay affair with Dieter , who is being written out of the show .
4 Insiders say he will get AIDS after having a gay affair with toyboy Dieter .
5 bereavement reaction to the loss of having a biological child — there may be unresolved issues if they are infertile ;
6 The most notable examples were grouping , the practice of having a multiple curriculum focus in teaching sessions , with different groups working in different curriculum areas , and the kinds of teacher-pupil interaction associated with a commitment to discovery learning .
7 No land will be sold before 1994 and there is every intention of having a serious study before then .
8 As soon as they arrived at the auberge , Rose announced her intention of having a long soak in the bath followed by a lie down .
9 Santos preaches the virtues of working legitimately for a crust and our hero merely sneers until he spies the seductive posterior of Amber Evans ( Stacey Dash ) , follows her into her swanky office and obtains a job in the mailroom despite having a criminal record to rival Al Capone .
10 There was talk of having a professional army and allowing more republican independence in military affairs while leaving the nuclear forces under single control .
11 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
12 An alternative to having a separate entry for every word-form is that only base forms are listed in the lexicon , together with a set of lexical rules for deriving all regularly inflected forms of the base item , and a listing of all irregularly inflected forms .
13 His disappointment at having a second wife barren was , to him , the only flaw in their marriage , and her deception would never be forgiven .
14 This may be associated with financial or housing problems , loneliness , problems with relationships , or difficulties coping with the responsibility of having a tiny baby .
15 The great advantage of having a fixed date er for these European elections on the ninth of June , a date that 's been well known for a considerable time now , should be the certainty for the electorate , that they know not only the date of that election but the geographical boundary er of the constituency in which they live er the candidates that they can choose from and of course in relation to European elections , the number of er members of the European parliament that there will be representing the United Kingdom .
16 The big advantage of having a standardized contract is that it can be exchanged between counterparties very easily .
17 Here you can see the advantage of having a neat hand and a tidy way of setting out your work .
18 That 's one advantage of having a big freezer you can get things when , when there 's a bargain going
19 One of the difficulties , it seems to me , that exists in schools today is that the teacher has to cope with a fairly large class , and one possible advantage of having a fair number of microcomputers
20 Or perhaps Mrs A is holding forth on her views on battered wives or battery hens or baptizing babies , really with the hope of having a head-on argument or of converting someone to her way of thinking .
21 They have just suffered the unpleasant experience of having a three day annual convention of Young Farmers inflicted upon them .
22 But the tragic star was still critically ill on a life-support machine after having a second blood clot removed from his brain .
23 Investing for the future although , although we 've been keen to drive for cash er , we really wanted to , to use the benefit of having a strong balance sheet and so where investment has seemed sensible and sound , we 've made those investments , of course we 've put er , cash in the B Sky B er and we 've also invested further in the er Spanish group , the Recollectors Group taking our stake in expansion , adding some cash and getting a stake in the bigger bigger grouping .
24 We need to consult with members and potential members both in the UK and other countries on the relevance of having a Royal Charter in post by 1992 Europe .
25 Bearing in mind the well-documented history on the question of having a fully-licensed establishment within our village the Chairman of the Council has asked me to request a postponement of any final decision in order to give time and opportunity for full consultation and for any resulting meaningful comments to be submitted .
26 It is important for every student to understand the philosophy behind having a rigid drill and the reasons for precise actions such as checking and locking the airbrakes .
27 The greatest benefit in having a national society , however , arises from the fact that although amateur radio is a hobby it is governed by national and international regulations which define not only the radio communication modes which can be used , and the nature of the communications allowed , but also the frequencies allocated to amateurs .
28 The companies were ‘ clear and strong ’ in their insistence on having a vendor-neutral group , according to UI chief Peter Cunningham .
29 The difference between having a good time and a bad time is so minimal it 's unbelievable , but this , with three points for a win , situation it makes it so hard to say well we 're a bottom side , we 're a top side , all of a sudden in half a dozen games we could be like a top side .
30 It was the time when her mother took to the couch because she could n't stand the sight and sound of the hordes of women and children with their buckets , and the arranged fights among the urchins so that one or two of their gang could get away with some lumps of coal , which would make all the difference between having a fried meal or freezing both inside and out .
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