Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] day ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Lovers of good beer — well deserved of course after a hard day 's exercise — wo n't have to go far for a fine pint .
2 He needed their support after a hard day 's work in often uncomfortable conditions .
3 And tidying up after removal and spring cleaning homes that have n't been touched for years are all part of a normal day 's work .
4 The job needs ‘ someone determined to have a fair day 's work for a fair day 's pay , whether in wages or welfare .
5 ‘ Scroungers ’ expect something for nothing from the Welfare State , rather than offering a fair day 's work for a fair day 's pay .
6 ‘ A fair day 's work for a fair day 's pay ’ was their motto and , if they expected the pay to satisfy them , they also confidently expected the work to satisfy everybody , including themselves .
7 She was n't in the mood for a long day 's screwing .
8 Well , to embrace both decency and pop in this context , to be a socialist by day and a hip hopper by night after a hard day 's campaigning , are quite feasible options , but only in a rotten , free-market society such as our own .
9 Table 4 is an example of a typical day 's food intake .
10 I with Mathilda , Benjamin with Rachel , Bowyer with good food and drink , and the Agentes with the prospect of a good day 's hunting .
11 Some celebrated empirical studies of work groups have argued that so-called restrictive practices usually reflect the attempt by workers to impose their own definition of a fair day 's work .
12 Perhaps the most enjoyable trip is the final schuss into the village centre after a hard day 's skiing and an essential stop-off for a limb-loosening rum chocolate at Cafe Oberland .
13 Perhaps they could use some of their undoubted energy in joining a night shotgun vigil after a hard day 's work ?
14 It is worth quoting in full Hardie 's graphic account of a typical day 's work by one of the artists :
15 Usually it is at the end of a long day 's racing , with a number of stressful periods all adding to the pilot 's fatigue .
16 This is one of the effects of lack of oxygen , but also of dehydration at the end of a long day 's excitement .
17 In Meswick hunters can find lodging in the Mushroom Cap Motel and tip back a few beers at the Mushroom Bar at the end of a long day 's tramp .
18 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
19 At the end of a hard day 's racing , there are awards given out to the top six riders in each class , making all the effort worthwhile .
20 Being tight-fisted individuals we by-passed the fee-paying nature trail through the woods and crossed the beck to join a Green Lane that led pleasantly back to Clapham and the end of a fine day 's trek through Yorkshire 's classic karst and pavement country .
21 Laws are needed to protect women 's rates of pay and ensure they get a fair day 's pay for a fair day 's work .
22 The demand is a fair day 's pay for a fair day 's work .
23 Once a patrician villa , a small terrace in the gardens provides a lush , flower-bedecked retreat after a hectic day 's sightseeing and , within , marble pillars , frescoes and high , painted ceilings remain from former times in the public rooms .
24 What the game really needs is a career woman — or , at least , one whose idea of a good day 's work is n't in the ballroom with Colonel Mustard and a candlestick .
25 Martin Caulfield led from the front in a steady day 's play that ended in triumph .
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