Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] [num] month " in BNC.

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1 Jim Baxter was transferred to Rangers for £27 , 000 but in a strange inter-club arrangement he was retained at Starks Park for a further three months .
2 The Presidency and the leaders of the six republics agreed measures on Aug. 20-21 to keep the federation functioning at a minimum economic and political level for a further three months , with trade continuing between the republics and a monetary policy which would allow the country to pay its foreign creditors .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations he intends to make to the Government of Israel following their decision to continue the closure of Bir Zeit university for a further three months .
4 [ See p. 37138 for this Aden meeting and publication on Dec. 1 of a draft joint constitution , requiring ratification by both parliaments within six months , and then endorsement by referendum after a further six months ; see p. 37266 for progress on unity in February 1990 . ]
5 Morrells hopes to hold the price of cask mild for a further 12 months .
6 In January 1990 the UN Security Council agreed to extend the mandate for a further two months of the detachment of 40 officers from 10 countries making up the UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan ( UNGOMAP ) , created to monitor the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan as well as other aspects of the Geneva Accords of 1988 .
7 On May 9 the Lok Sabha approved a resolution extending President 's rule for a further six months from May 11 [ President 's rule had first been imposed in May 1987 — see pp. 35247-48 — and had been renewed since at six-monthly intervals ] .
8 The government announced its intention on Aug. 11 to extend president 's rule for a further six months , shelving plans for state assembly elect-ions .
9 The changes , effectively extending military rule for a further eight months , were not unexpected in the wake of the annulment of presidential primary elections on the grounds of widespread electoral malpractice , and the subsequent dissolution of the leadership of the two political parties [ p. 39130 ] .
10 The House of Commons on March 6 , 1990 , and the House of Lords on March 15 approved the continuance in force for a further 12 months of the provisions of the 1989 Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act , which principally provided for the arrest without warrant and detention for a total of up to seven days of those suspected of involvement in terrorist offences [ see pp. 37098-99 ] .
11 The Commons and the Lords on March 16 and 18 , 1991 , respectively approved the continuance in force for a further 12 months of the provisions of the 1978 and 1987 Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Acts [ see p. 37584 for previous year 's extensions ] .
12 Those of modest personal means or unable to command corporate finance are unlikely even to enter primary races , let alone sustain a campaign through a gruelling eighteen months of campaigning for the party nomination .
13 A LEANER , fitter Novaceta faces a year of consolidation after a difficult 12 months since the Anglo-Italian joint venture was established .
14 He was sure it would work for him and his doggedness was rewarded , when , after using the new tool for a mere six months , he retained his Ryder Cup place and ended the 1989 season in 11th place on the money list with more than £188,000 .
15 is holding a contract of service for a specified three months or less
16 The talented female star headed for a welcome rest after a hectic six months that 's seen the release of her first solo LP and current hit single Walking on Broken Glass .
17 She had had a gruelling day on top of a gruelling six months .
18 On Aug. 4 , 1989 , the Karnataka High Court upheld the constitutional validity of the imposition in April of President 's rule in the state [ see p. 36591 ] , and on Oct. 12 the Lok Sabha approved its extension for a further six months from Oct. 21 .
19 The Commons and the Lords further approved on March 12 and March 19 respectively , the extension for a further 12 months of the emergency provisions and powers contained within the 1978 and 1987 Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Acts [ see p. 37099 for last 12-month extension ] .
20 A PACKED public meeting last night saw the launch of a major six month campaign to keep quarry traffic on the rails and off the roads .
21 This is the culmination of a unique 18 months engineering programme which achieved its objective on 23rd December when Consent to Start-up was obtained from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ( NII ) .
22 Each practitioner was invited to record details of all patients who presented with an asthma attack during a predetermined three month period .
23 Much laughter , jollity , and anticipation of a successful 12 months ahead with a government on the run .
24 On March 17 , after much debate , the renewal of the state of emergency for a further four months was approved by a parliamentary vote .
25 Sixteen of them had a house officer for a full six months .
26 The collectivist emphases of the 1961 Programme — more and more services such as transport and housing to be provided free of charge , more public catering and shared upbringing of children — found no place in the new text , nor did the promise of a minimum one month paid holiday for all citizens .
27 A meeting of the International Coffee Council was held in London on Sept. 27 , but ended by voting only to renew the International Coffee Agreement for a further 12 months without either an export quota system ( suspended in July 1989 — see p. 36836 ) or price support mechanisms .
28 However , after the Commissioner had been in office for a mere three months the Government introduced a Green Paper which proposed to extend her powers significantly , and under the Employment Act 1990 , section 10 , she was given power to assist members in enforcement of their common law contractual rights against the union .
29 well okay well just to wind up , I mean I 've been involved in this and people within the R Y A and the office for a good six months now and we fell well down the line , the reality is hardly any courses have started yet and there 's hardly any youngsters been on the water .
30 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
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