Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 It does not , however , show if there is a significant bias toward the right field for the verbal tasks or if , for example , verbal tasks are just more right in the left visual field .
2 But the contest between the two rulers or super-powers was of much deeper significance , amounting to a total re-assessment of Christian society and its government .
3 1.23 As a result of the automatic directions or a direction for reciprocal disclosure of medical evidence , evidence is agreed in the majority of cases .
4 The importance of this aspect of a partner 's duty will be readily apparent , for example , in relation to decisions taken at the insistence of a majority against the opposition of the remaining partners or where the question of a partner 's expulsion or compulsory retirement arises ( see Blisset v Daniel ( 1853 ) 10 Hare 493 ) .
5 Economic Theory is the term given to the study of the underlying principles or what are more colloquially called the ‘ laws ’ of economics .
6 The problem is that the research does not allow us to distinguish the relative usefulness of the different interventions or their component parts .
7 The theory can be described as a characterisation of the possible patterns or as the destructive part of the problem — it destroys or eliminates certain possibilities .
8 In many Endopterygote larvae , however , the gula is bounded by variously formed ecdysial lines along which the ventral side of the head-capsule bends or splits when the insect moults ( Hinton , 1963 ) .
9 providing a platform , either on the north side of the running lines or on the south side ( from which passengers could reach the stadium by way of Roseburn Street ) to accommodate a shuttle service from Haymarket or Waverley .
10 One of his most senior colleagues , Mr Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , indicated that , if the Tories were the biggest party in a hung Parliament , Mr Major would draw up a programme of legislation and put it to the vote in Parliament rather than seeking any formal deal with the Liberal Democrats or Ulster Unionists .
11 Eamonn McCann , the ‘ unofficial Labour ’ candidate in Londonderry , demanded that the Official Unionist , Robin Chichester-Clark , dismiss those members of his constituency party who had made a deal with the Protestant Unionists or be seen as a puppet on a Paisleyite string .
12 And for those who prefer more leisurely pursuits you can picnic , sunbathe , ride a cable car into the surrounding peaks or take a ride on one of the oldest cog railways in the world .
13 Will the Supplement entries follow their OED entry on the main tape(s) or be contained on a separate tape ?
14 Some authors have suggested that somatostatin may act by a direct vasoconstrictive effect on the splanchnic arterioles or may lower intestinal vasodilating hormones and glucagon .
15 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
16 A glance at the Financial Times or Money Management will reveal the large number and variety of offshore funds in existence .
17 The vast constructions built up on slave labour by the Ancient Egyptians or Romans were therefore not possible in Romanesque Europe .
18 Is it the lure of the bright lights or is it something more economic .
19 So public and congressional interest was low and this in turn kept budgets tight , preventing the building of the new facilities or running the new experiments such as the dt one at Princeton that could produce the breakthrough .
20 Justifying the railway deficit in 1980 , for example , the chairman maintained that ‘ no one would think of talking of the deficit of the armed forces or of the fact that our state educational establishments show a deficit … ’
21 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
22 Roughly , linguistic communication consists in the production of some external , publicly observable , acoustic phenomenon whose phonetic and syntactic structure encodes a speaker 's inner , private thoughts or ideas and the decoding of the phonetic and syntactic structure exhibited in such a physical phenomenon by other speakers in the form of an inner private experience of the same thoughts or ideas .
23 Films and videos should neither be edited nor coloured except by permission of the individual writers or producers .
24 When the others saw her heading for home after the latest sports or debating session they would say " Look out .
25 Induction of remission is associated with inhibition or a decrease in the formation of the inflammatory mediators or , alternatively , may be achieved by blocking their specific receptors .
26 The issue becomes especially important where , as a result of questioning , and without the benefit of the correct conditions or the advice from the solicitor , access to whom has been wrongly denied , the suspect makes a damaging confession which the police later try to rely upon at the trial in order to secure a conviction .
27 Were these merely eddies in the mud on the bottom of the primeval seas or could they have been formed by living organisms ?
28 The bay is decided by the positioning of the supporting piers or columns .
29 Having never visited America , the Ashleys had scant grasp of the cultural differences or geographical distances involved ; in the UK no two stores were more than 350 miles apart .
30 However , this is a one-dimensional spectrum with respect to the component of the wave number in the mean flow direction , and so is not in general a complete determination of the spectral characteristics or of E(k) .
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