Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] what [pron] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 The contrast between what one might have expected if changes in line with public choice theory were being implemented and what has actually happened can be illustrated still more clearly by looking rather more closely at particular service areas .
2 ‘ It 's no good thinking of what I might have done , Carrie .
3 This obviously reduces the income below what it would have been had he been able to hold the assets directly .
4 It should not be a question of making do with what we have but a question of what we should have .
5 However , if , by the date of trial , it can be shown that the deceased 's income would have risen since his death , then the dependency will be calculated by reference to what he would have been earning at the date of trial , rather than what he in fact was earning at the date of his death .
6 With a mental sigh that dimmed her meanings , she turned her attention to what she should have been doing all along .
7 Too often , I think , the referee is tempted to shift the goal-posts in reliance upon his own speculation about what it would have been sensible for Parliament to do if Parliament had thought of doing it .
8 Her tone made it clear that if he wished , coffee was only the beginning of what they might have time for .
9 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
10 Minter would n't have paid you a penny for what you might have got out of me .
11 Slightly towards one end , on the surface that was now uppermost on the table , rested a long , unevenly shaped darkish slab of what I might have thought was rough-faced granite .
12 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
13 This gives the customers some choice about what they will have for each meal , and when they have it .
14 But as no one shareholder had control to sell , the Government was able to acquire control of the company 's assets for a fraction of their true value ( and for a fraction of what it would have had to pay on a take-over bid ) .
15 As we trooped in for the service , the sun caught it and , for a moment , I had a virion of what it must have really looked like , all those years ago , when they nailed poor old JC up before the people , one bright day in palestine .
16 Network SouthEast has improved its performance beyond what anyone could have dreamed might be possible .
17 We can study in these terms what an author has written against the background of what he might have written , had he failed to apply certain transformations , or chosen to apply others instead .
18 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
19 Although they did n't , they did n't act illegally , they did n't say right , we 're going to make the redundancy payment act , but what they did say you retire at fifty , we will make your we will enhance your pension to what you would have got at age sixty , we will enhance your lump sum to what you would have got at age sixty and erm give you a redundancy payment from the firm and obviously everybody fifty and plus they 've gone in thousands , they had enormous waiting lists and then they had to say no , you ca n't go you know , too many people wanted to go .
20 Although they did n't , they did n't act illegally , they did n't say right , we 're going to make the redundancy payment act , but what they did say you retire at fifty , we will make your we will enhance your pension to what you would have got at age sixty , we will enhance your lump sum to what you would have got at age sixty and erm give you a redundancy payment from the firm and obviously everybody fifty and plus they 've gone in thousands , they had enormous waiting lists and then they had to say no , you ca n't go you know , too many people wanted to go .
21 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
22 Interruptions in her employment experience , reductions in her mobility and labour market bargaining power are all ways in which family responsibilities reduce women 's pay below what it might have been .
23 I think the bit that stands up above the horizon is fine , I mean I think that gives you a good idea of what it would have been like had you been able to get the whole , or not perhaps the whole of it , but a lot more of the post up above the horizon simply by getting down lower .
24 £ But I think to give us perhaps a more vivid idea of what it must have been like for ordinary people , these are 3 houses in St Aldate 's that do n't exist any more , they 're down more-or-less where the police station is , erm and we do know exactly who lived there , and who was actually there during the war .
25 ( 3 ) … the court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the company had not entered into that transaction . ’
26 ( 3 ) … the court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the company had not given that preference . ’
27 ( 2 ) The court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if that individual had not entered into that transaction . ’
28 The court has power to make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the transaction had not been entered into and also , in this case , for protecting the interests of persons who are the victims of the transaction : subsection ( 2 ) .
29 The court can make such order as it thinks fit to restore the position to what it would have been if the company had not given that preference .
30 You can sue the solicitor for what you would have collected , had he done his job properly , because the law reckons he owed you , as well as his client , a duty of care .
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