Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The use of copper as a protection for the underwater parts of ships ' hulls had been suggested in England as early as 1708 and by the 1770s it had been generally adopted throughout the navy .
2 The position of the DBMS , acting as a cushion between the logical views of the data structure and the physical schema , is shown in Figure 4.1 .
3 It seems to me there is no foundation for it whatever ; all that a court of justice can look to is the parliamentary roll ; they see that an Act has passed both Houses of Parliament , and that it has received the royal assent , and no court of justice can inquire into the manner in which it was introduced into Parliament , what was done previously to its being introduced , or what passed in Parliament during the various stages of its progress through both Houses of Parliament .
4 It was reported at the end of February 1990 that the then Minister of State for the Southern Province R. H. Sam Kpakra had suspended voter registration in preparation for the 1991 elections in the constituencies of Bo Town 1 , Bo West and Bo North , following claims that irregularities had taken place .
5 If she was an innocent abroad , her parents considered that a life cocooned in an all-girls school was hardly adequate preparation for the bright lights of the big city .
6 Some specific proposals could be made here , for example ( 1 ) a link between the St Leonard 's cycleway ( see Opportunity No.9 ) and the east end of the Meadows cycle route — eg via a suitably traffic-calmed Montague St. ; ( 2 ) a link from the West end of the Meadows northward to Princes St. A north-south route through the new developments to the west of Lothian Road is not suitable ( for this purpose ) because it would involve too long a deviation and the crossing of major roads .
7 The formal relationships outlined above need to be complemented by an appreciation of informal linkages , such as the sharing of knowledge and experience through the regional branches of professional associations .
8 In addition the development of birth-control techniques provided the opportunity for the above changes of attitudes to be encouraged .
9 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
10 To many among the intelligentsia , an alliance with the Soviet Union offered the only practical defence for the Western democracies against the rising tide of fascism .
11 Many perceived the affair as a struggle between the competing claims of parents and teachers over the education of the child .
12 What was depicted as a struggle between a national proletariat and peasantry , and a national bourgeoisie , was in fact a struggle between the Russian Bolsheviks on the one hand , and Russian and foreign anti-Bolsheviks on the other hand , for the controlling influence over the territory concerned .
13 As the case study of Channel Four ( see below ) amply demonstrates , concerned groups and individuals attempted to keep these services out of the competitive struggle between the two giants of broadcasting in the hope that they would be better able to serve previously excluded minority groups in society .
14 What is more probably recalled in the myth with the conflict of Horus and Seth is an early struggle between the two kingdoms in which the ruler of Lower Egypt ( Horus being a local god from the Delta marshes ) conquered the ruler of Upper Egypt ( Seth being the local god of Ombos near Naqada ) .
15 Indicators relating to the struggle between the hardline members of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) and those in favour of economic liberalization continued to suggest that the latter group was gaining ground .
16 He became more concerned with specialization within a given environment , a process that he saw as a consequence of the struggle between the different inhabitants of that environment .
17 I would like to ask permission for the following tracks to be used in addition to those listed in the letter of 5 June :
18 In the end , the compromise was to give permission for the new blocks of apartments , but to require that the remains of the grottoes be restored as a feature in the new development .
19 There 's not a trace of bitterness about Peter Shilton , Trevor Francis and Kenny Dalglish , who walked into top jobs , but he states a case for the unknown soldiers of football .
20 And the cost of admission for the better seats in the house — £30 and £23 .
21 This version had provision for the hot gases of combustion to be passed round and over a layer of slurry spread upon a drying floor .
22 The essential feature of the family centre is that it provides a service to the whole family and not just the child although family centres may also provide other child-centred services such as day care , out-of-school activities and child health clinics. ( d ) Support at home Local authorities must make appropriate provision for the following services to be available to children in need who are living with their families ( Sched 2 , para 8 ) : ( i ) advice , guidance and counselling ; ( ii ) occupational , social , cultural and recreational activities ; ( iii ) home help ( including laundry facilities ) ; ( iv ) transport or assistance with travel expenses to and from the home so that the child may take advantage of any service offered ; ( v ) assistance to enable the child and his family to have a holiday .
23 It would be truer to say that the regime which enters the war is usually discredited at the war 's end , probably because of its supposed lack of adequate provision for the armed forces in the final pre-war years .
24 Busy carers may make good provision for the physical needs of the parent without considering how they must be feeling .
25 When , for example , Sidney Webb talked of a ‘ fourfold path of collective administration of public services , collective regulation of private industry , collective taxation of unearned income , and collective provision for the dependent sections of the community ’ as being the pathway to socialism , he outlined a programme with which many New Liberals in practice agreed .
26 Basically , the taxpayers are facing possibly ‘ bad ’ law which makes no provision for the special facts of their own case — which must be repeated many times elsewhere , particulary in , say , Northern Ireland .
27 Friern Hospital have stressed the importance of their supra district services and the need for a medium secure unit as well as provision for the special needs of long stay patients .
28 In January l9X1 they seek your advice and ask you to prepare a cash budget for the forthcoming months of April , May and June l9Xl .
29 Above , we see that there is in fact a significant right field advantage for the verbal tasks , trigram and word recognition and also a significant lack of right field advantage for the spatial tasks of dot location and counting .
30 Provisional figures published by the Central Statistical Office showed the deficit for the three months to the end of March was £4.5bn , compared with £4.35bn the previous quarter .
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