Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] few [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He admitted the murder in the few words he spoke to the people .
2 This raises public awareness and the press is always interested in hard statistics ; so if you can say several hundred people signed the petition in an afternoon or over the course of a few days it will undoubtedly earn you publicity .
3 Over the course of a few weeks they will probably spend several hours in the bureau familiarising themselves with bureau practice before their formal selection interview .
4 But if you leave a child for a few minutes he may find the pills you keep in the bedside drawer and poison himself .
5 It became known that we were perilously short of hay because the haytiming on our pastures had been very poor that summer and it was impossible to bring enough in on the horse-drawn sledge on the few occasions we were able to get out .
6 Often the reaction to other foods is only temporary — if they are eliminated from the diet for a few months they can be eaten again without difficulty .
7 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
8 The bathroom 's a bit chilly but once you 've put that heater on and shut the door for a few minutes it 's
9 She left the surgery clutching Lizzie 's collar ; in the space of a few minutes it was all she had been left with , apart from memories .
10 In the space of a few years we had Eldon Square in Newcastle , the Cleveland Centre in Middlesbrough , Milburngate in Durham , where you could stroll heedless of weather and traffic .
11 Rookies were all the same in the beginning , eager to please and desperate to be judged favourably by their superiors , but within the space of a few months they had become as bitter and cynical as the seasoned policemen they had been trying to impress .
12 In the space of a few weeks they went from favouring broadly no change in taxation ( which is what the chancellor gave them ) to yearning for the rod — in one case a tax rise of £5 billion-10 billion .
13 In a matter of a few days it seemed , I was crying unashamedly with other City Temple folk at a prayer service arranged by Dr Weatherhead to ask God 's mercy on the people of Czechoslovakia .
14 As she looked down at this small collection of his personal belongings , she realized that she had never thought of him as having any reality beyond the few hours they had spent together at the cottage .
15 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
16 Holiday parks in which you can camp , or stay in a chalet or caravan are now remarkably good — so much so that if you have n't tried this kind of holiday for a few years you could be in for a very pleasant surprise .
17 As he took it their fingers met , invoking so vivid a memory of the few seconds she had spent in his arms that she jerked away , spilling coffee into the saucer .
18 In spite of being so fair , his skin had taken on quite a deep tan in the few days they had been there .
19 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
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