Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It became an important building as the burial place for the kings of Sweden .
2 He will know that my Department gave a grant for a feasibility study into large-scale CHP in Leicester , but the scheme did not proceed .
3 Oberon will use the additional funding for beta testing and completion of product development and to expand its domestic and international distribution networks and consulting and technical support programmes in preparation for a product launch in the autumn .
4 Tony Martin , a whale specialist from the Government 's Sea Mammal Research Unit in Cambridge , will arrive in Orkney today in preparation for the whale drive through the Sound of Hoxa .
5 Baghdad underwent a major physical transformation early in the war , partly in preparation for the summit conference of the Non-Aligned Movement ( NAM ) , programmed for September 1982 .
6 Manager Steve Coppell is almost certain to be without a recognised striker for the grudge match against Graeme Souness 's men , who complained of Palace 's physical approach in the 1-1 draw at Anfield two weeks ago .
7 Georg Mautner Markhof , 65 , a leading industrialist , had announced his resignation as an FPÖ vice-president on Feb. 27 .
8 He received the award during a gala dinner in Buenos Aires held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Argentine Football Association .
9 A path of accommodation with the Soviet authorities was widely assessed as having ensured his rise through the Church hierarchy from 1949 ; as Patriarch he was criticized for failing to challenge the repressive state regulations governing church affairs and to defend persecuted believers .
10 The project aims to investigate : the extent to which science parks are assisting in the transfer of technical ideas and expertise from academics to commercial application in industry ; the relationship between success of parks and their location ; and , the implications of the division between the research end of British industry located in science parks , and industrial production .
11 Coordinators of the WCY , at the Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) , see the year as ‘ an opportunity for a quantum leap in the development of a complete world communications network , which will leave no one isolated from his local , national or international community . ’
12 This was the last opportunity for a dress rehearsal in the New York Preview theatre .
13 When it was suggested to them as a possibility it was understood by them as an opportunity for a breathing space in the absence of any other alternative .
14 The Polytechnic staff development policy requires that each lecturer shall have an annual opportunity for a development interview with a Head of Department .
15 The right-wing press was given a modest initial opportunity for an immigration hype with the discovery of a lorryload of illegal immigrants on 23 March .
16 Preobrazhensky took view ( a ) , hence his constant theme of struggle between the state sector of the economy and peasants .
17 In the towns , the main struggle for the economic model comes to an end with the victory of the proletariat ; in the country … it is resurrected in other forms as a struggle between the state planning of a proletariat which embodies socialised labour and the commodity anarchy , the speculative licence of a peasantry which embodies scattered property and the anarchic element of the market … a simple commodity economy is merely the embryo of a capitalist economy …
18 The Ordnance map may well show the boundary of the parcel as the centre line of any boundary feature , irrespective of its legal ownership ( see Fisher v Winch [ 1939 ] 1 KB 666 ) .
19 Well actually I live just outside Shilton. erm they keep saying that it 's Shilton airfield , actually it 's not on the airfield at all — as you will know , Mr. Hayworth 's got planning permission for a golf course on the airfield — it 's Scrubs Lane , Shilton , and actually they 've already the Council have already turned down two applications for caravan sites there anyway erm because it 's unsuitable and yet they think that they you know that it 's going to be suitable for gipsies to live down there .
20 Since the report was printed the committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of this afternoon 's session for our colleagues involved in the dispute .
21 The committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of congress on Monday to help these colleagues as well .
22 The committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken on behalf of the Matthew trust fund at the end of the Wednesday morning session .
23 I 've got outline planning permission for a shopping complex with secondary access to Champney Road via that bit of wasteland by your house .
24 A chance encounter with ex-soldier Ronald Hobson , who wanted to know how to get planning permission for a car park on one of London 's many bomb sites , led to the birth of National Car Parks .
25 It is living patients who benefit , and therefore granting permission for a hospital autopsy on one 's deceased loved-one is a responsible and publicspirited act , which may benefit other patients .
26 Sedgefield District Council , we hear , has given permission for a clairvoyancy evening at Spennymoor leisure centre .
27 The authorities for the first time gave permission for an opposition demonstration on March 7 .
28 Councillors voted 1514 to refuse permission for the chalet scheme on December 11 , on the grounds of road safety and its detrimental scale and impact for local residents and the environment .
29 The committee has given permission for the bucket collection to be taken on behalf of our colleagues at at the end of the Tuesday morning session .
30 The company is foreswearing Sun Express as a distribution point for the Classics and will go through its usual channels instead .
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