Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or are we seeing an indication that some inner processes of preparation for loss at this time of life have come into play ?
2 Replacement of the eroded ragstone facing could have provided a problem were it not for the fact that the builder who was employed to undertake the conversion was dismantling an identically constructed church at Canterbury at the same time and thus it was possible to import salvaged ragstone from the demolition for re-use at All Saints and St Barnabas .
3 There is , however , more than just a need ; for there is fundamental necessity for vision at all levels of human affairs ; all groups of people , even small teams as well as nations , must have a vision , or everything subsides into confusion and what is worse , lets power fall into the hands of practical , and unseeing men who press only their own interests , leading to strife and despair .
4 Always include a way out of the pond for wildlife at some point around the edge .
5 The highlight of the course for many pupils is definitely the extended project which they carry out over the first two terms , tapping the wide network of apparatus available in the Department for work at this level .
6 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
7 There has , quite rightly , been a great deal of discussion at this conference about the opportunities and threats presented by the new media .
8 The the erm a great deal of time at that enquiry was taken up with the alternative sites proposed by the Council erm and their suitability in relation to the .
9 Such a system would be able to help learners in almost any context including , of course , the study of mathematics at most levels .
10 Uncoached I was at least able to survive a couple of rounds in the local tournaments ; a stroke of luck at this stage was that I was paired with a newcomer to the Command — a FIt Lt Reep who was in a different league to mine — and we entered for competitions and this raised my game quite a bit .
11 And given the inevitable draining of tension at this point , it was remarkable indeed how she and the Scarpia , Keith Latham , revived the scene for its murderous climax .
12 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
13 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
14 Research is often carried out by trainee solicitors and the rapid turnover of support at that level reinforces the need for the index .
15 By the Middle Ages the river had gradually cut back through the neck of land at this side of the rise , until it cut right through to where it runs now .
16 For him to go to Stuttgart he would have had to pay his own way ( I was gaining only a pittance from athletics at this time ) .
17 Our deterrent involves one boat on patrol at all times with no more than 128 warheads .
18 The biomass of colobines shows a close positive correlation with the ratio of protein to fibre at each site , while there is no evidence of predation or disease limiting the populations .
19 Aylwin had been leader of the Christian Democratic Party in 1973 , when it had joined in calling on the military to intervene , but he now acknowledged that all political forces which had preferred confrontation to dialogue at that time , were responsible for creating the conditions in which human rights violations eventually took place .
20 This method of examining the data has not been employed in the previous studies because no attempt had been made in those studies to be representative in the sampling of direction of turn at each junction ( see Table 4.2 ) .
21 The north-south winds vary in direction with altitude , though the zonal winds are in the direction of rotation at all altitudes .
22 X/Open expects the likes of Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Tandem Computer Inc to take advantage of membership at this level to influence specifications , for example , on commercial multi-processing and fault tolerance .
23 It was little wonder that he sounded loath to believe her change of heart at this stage , and she wanted desperately to convince him , but how ?
24 As detailed in earlier chapters , governors should be involved in the School 's Development Plan which must lay out both short-term aims and longer-term objectives in priority order but with an inbuilt degree of flexibility , should circumstances dictate a change of plan at any time .
25 There is also a change of rhythm at this point which contributes to the understanding of the words .
26 Managers can obtain progress reports on any project at any level of detail at any time .
27 Have several light points and keep a good general level of lighting at all times , using fairly high wattage lamps and switching on early , well before dusk and twilight .
28 ‘ There 's a little bit of stress at this point , as we see whether they are starting to synergise , ’ explains principal consultant Tony Gemmell .
29 So it 's difficult to challenge that kind of supposition at that age .
30 It 's difficult , though , because if you talk to adolescent boys in schools they are violently opposed to women 's liberation , or they hate the name women 's liberation , because they are very defensive perhaps about their own masculinity at that age , and their own masculinity is defined very much in terms of being superior to girls and having mums who wait on them at home , so it 's difficult to challenge that kind of supposition at that age .
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