Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] at [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Are you still sort of staying at the same or
2 A young man placed himself between the shafts of the trap and prepared to pull his passengers round the village , but not before the publican had been fined a barrel of beer for speaking at the same time as the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ .
3 He had a calculator to help , but tried to keep his temper , his blood this side of boiling point and a little , at least , of social grace by listening at the same time to a Schubert piano sonata on a portable radio alongside .
4 As Cotte points out , allow and let evoke permission in different ways : the latter seems incapable of evoking the giving of permission without evoking at the same time the realization of the action permitted ( cf. ( 216b ) ) , whereas allow is not subject to this restriction .
5 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
6 Elaine a retired civil servant who had worked all her life , felt she made a mistake in retiring at the same time as her friend Louise who had always opted out of the cooking and cleaning in favour of gardening and doing the decorating .
7 Another but more legally complicated way of arriving at the same result under the subsection is to say that , when the police seek to intervene , it is likely that a belief is likely to arise in the mind of the first victims , that violence towards the police is a likely outcome of the defendant 's conduct .
8 Local bus or VL buses are designed to overcome this problem by running at the same speed as the processor .
9 It moves towards the acceptance of belonging at the same time to a larger enterprise which combines the strengths of sharing and collaboration and the sharpness of keeping an eye out for one 's own survival .
10 You have been to a tournament and an auto-da-fé already , and if you had not embarrassed my son by fainting at the latter event you would have been presented to King Sebastian himself . "
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