Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [conj] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Albert writes : ‘ The inescapable conclusion is that the two models of capitalism diverge on the fundamental question of whether to live for the present moment — and to hell with the consequences for future generations — or to plan for a better tomorrow , though it may require sacrifices today .
2 SOME 18 months ago I wrote about my own incompetence with and dislike for the microwave oven .
3 Effective school management uses external initiatives as a prompt to and support for the logical next stage of a school 's development .
4 He further asserts that during the nineteenth century litigants did not understand the way courts worked and were in awe of their proceedings , and that the intermediaries between litigants and justice , lawyers , court officials and petition-drawers , had little sympathy with or understanding for the average Sri Lankan .
5 On his ‘ Big Red Train Ride ’ in 1977 , Eric Newby found these class approaches to the catching of and waiting for the trains , which have been such a characteristic of colonial societies in India and Africa , still very much the norm in the communist countries .
6 That bombshell , coming from the Labour party at a time when Nottinghamshire miners are continually breaking production records , shows Labour 's lack of faith in and support for the coal industry , and why Nottinghamshire miners abandoned socialism in 1985 .
7 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
8 You do not warm to this lady , who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter .
9 The poems are full of imagery of and praise for the Bible :
10 This was originally posed by David Singer in 1961 as the problem of whether to account for the behaviour of the international system in terms of the behaviour of the nation states comprising it or vice versa .
11 He tilts his head and gazes into my face as if searching for the answer .
12 The number of enquiries which a bureau receives can not be a measure of the value of or need for the service .
13 Once it has occurred , the analyst connects the feature in question with his impression of or feeling for the whole work , and may be led to modify this as a result .
14 With each year that passed , peasant interest in and support for the status quo would increase .
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