Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 With its aim of achieving ‘ a greater unity between its Members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress ’ , the new body became Western Europe 's first postwar political organisation , one which immediately and daringly claimed that it would work for ‘ an economic and political union ’ .
2 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
3 Oh , one houseywife had no knickers , but had improvised her skirt between her legs for the benefit of the television cameras .
4 A man who wished to build a villa in Benghazi , but was frustrated by his expectation that , if he did , he would have no protection strong enough to prevent immediate expropriation , explained the collapse of his hopes for a more elegant and civilized life .
5 Held , dismissing both appeals , the tape recording of an interview was itself the primary exhibit , although as a matter of convenience it was usual for the prosecution , with the consent of the defence , to provide an abbreviated transcript of its contents for the use of the court and the jury .
6 Section 5 of the Partnership Act makes each partner an agent of his co-partners for the purposes of the business of the firm .
7 He thrust his face close , covered her mouth with his lips for a moment in a searing kiss , just to remind her .
8 In a move that runs counter its commitment to clean up the environment in former East Germany , the German government has agreed to exempt a huge rubbish tip near Schonberg near the Baltic coast from its regulations for a five year period .
9 At the same time we can relish the days more and more , and search in their interstices for the hidden treasures and thus our lives may become the supreme adventure and treasure hunt of the transcendent .
10 It was true what they had said ; he ought to get to bed and rest ; ought to take a break from his duties for a day or so and let Li Yuan take up his burden as Regent .
11 ‘ If we do n't make the final , Cy Gilette [ the umpire ] will have our blood on his hands for the rest of his life . ’
12 Reports in mid-July suggested that the government faced continued opposition to its preparations for a national convention to draft a new Constitution [ see p. 38913 ] .
13 In this way the youngsters make it clear that they are not yet mature enough to be considered rivals for territories or breeding partners and are allowed to feed on the reef beside their parents for the several months that it takes them to grow to maturity .
14 I shall begin by concentrating on the ego , which may be defined as an agency of the personality differentiated from the wholly unconscious id by its responsibilities for the control of voluntary movement .
15 The booklet Angola : The Possible Peace provides a concise analysis of the country 's history and an assessment of its prospects for the future .
16 The booklet Angola : The Possible Peace provides a concise analysis of the country 's history and an assessment of its prospects for the future .
17 Those authorities which are classed here as adapting to the care programme approach either spend some of their Mental Illness Specific Grant to satisfy its requirements or present the elements of the approach ( assessment , key working and review ) as an integral part of their plans for the year in question .
18 As part of their preparations for the Olympic Games , the Olympic Racing Squad were due to fly to Florida last month for a fortnight 's training camp .
19 As part of their preparations for the semi-final against Dublin the Derry squad spent the week-end prior to the game at the Slieve Russell Hotel , Ballyconnell and travelled into neighbouring Fermanagh for a practice match .
20 She had been so much a part of his plans for the future that he was now thinking of countries where they could farm together .
21 He takes on Kenya 's former Olympic champion Paul Ereng in Hengelo , Holland , next Sunday and expects a hard race as part of his preparations for the World Championships in Stuttgart at the end of August .
22 Throughout 1990 militant Moslem groups in Jammu and Kashmir sustained a campaign of violence and civil unrest in support of their demands for an independent Kashmir or unification with Pakistan .
23 In the larger towns many parish priests were singing the majority of their masses for the dead with no family member present and with only an altar server to chant the responses .
24 The majority of exhibits have been borrowed from private collections , many of which Dr Barnett has unearthed in the course of her researches for the books and she has chosen works which exemplify Kandinsky 's mastery of technique and his experimentation with processes such as stencil and spray technique ( diluted watercolour sprayed onto paper with an atomizer or blowpipe ) .
25 Now Lawrence is seeking the opinion of a second specialist about his prospects for a full recovery .
26 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
27 Her idea was to stick a piece of Sellotape between your eyebrows for an afternoon to make yourself aware of how often you frowned , so that you would know to do it less .
28 SERAFIN : You sound as if you are making a cautious discovery about your feelings for the first time .
29 7.00 a.m. : rise from a bed in an open dormitory shared with five or six other girls ; 7.30 : breakfast , followed by bedmaking ; 8.30 : early morning lacrosse practice or running round the lake ; 9.00 : chapel ; 9.20 : three periods of lessons or prep ; 11.20 : break for buns and milk ; 11.40 : two periods of lessons or prep ; 1.00 : lunch ; 1.40 approximately : a house meeting in which each of thirty-six girls had to inform the housemistress of her activities for the afternoon , and other house business was discussed ; 2.00 : lacrosse ( tennis , cricket , running ) or , if the weather was bad , country dancing , or , with luck , a shampoo ; 3.20 : wash and change into non-uniform clothes ; 3.45 : tea ; 4.00 : four periods of lessons or prep ; 6.40 : house prayers ; 7.00 : supper ; 8.00 or 8.30 , depending on age : half an hour to be spent in chitchat with the housemistress in her room ; 8.30 or 9.00 : bathtime followed by bedtime .
30 Ford have ordered a recall of their roofracks for the new Escort and Orion models following three incidents , one involving canoes .
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