Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] few [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I think my father used to work in a university for a few years after he graduated , and he might have invented something ; he occasionally hints that he gets some sort of royalty from a patent or something , but I suspect the old hippy survives on whatever family wealth the Cauldhames still have secreted away .
2 ‘ I still ca n't work out how they got away with it because I 'd only left it outside the tent for a few moments before it vanished .
3 Yet another strategy is to put progress on ‘ hold ’ and stay with your current level of progress for a few weeks until you feel more accustomed to the level and better able to proceed .
4 A stiff neck for a few weeks after a bump was tolerated in the past .
5 There may then be a break of a few days while participants work to devise a training session .
6 As one of the first members recalled , ‘ When we reached thirteen most of us felt we were too big for the Sunday School , and there was a gap of a few years until we were able to join the YMCA at seventeen …
7 She considered the question for a few minutes before she replied , ‘ Barbados takes a bit of getting used to , but its good points far outweigh the bad .
8 Whether any of this espionage achieves much is a matter of opinion but West Germany is never slow to publicise the capture of a few spies as being a serious breach of national security .
9 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
10 If your tank contains a ‘ chaser ’ , new fish may need to be placed in a breeding trap for a few days until the aggressor gets used to it — or a tank divider is an even better idea .
11 It was a difficult period for a few years until the market caught up with us . ’
12 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
13 Her boyfriend , having disappeared during her pregnancy , returned and acted like a concerned father for a few months after the baby was born , even coming to live in Joanne 's house , but then left as suddenly as he had come , and all the family feel very bitter about this .
14 He will stay on in a consultancy role for a few months until his successor settles into the job .
15 They took breath for a few moments before they emerged , after the third volley , to finish what they had begun , the Welsh swordsmen boiling out of the bushes joyously on their heels .
16 No I 'm not : first I 'm going to wander round Bristol and try and get myself a job , then I 'm going to persuade the manager to give me an advance of a few pounds so I can get myself something to eat and find somewhere to stay .
17 He sat in the driver 's seat to get the feel for a few moments before he started it up .
18 Recovering quickly from a slow start , John Gosden 's colt settled matters in the space of a few strides when sent ahead a furlong out .
19 One animal has narrowly escaped death twice in the space of a few weeks as Simon Garrett reports
20 If she is already ripe with eggs , then a few hours will suffice — if not , feed her well on live food for a few days until she is plump in the belly region .
21 Oh , and I 'd stay out of the swimming pool for a few days if I were you , unless you can keep your head above water .
22 Jessamy sat in silence for a few seconds while she digested that piece of information .
23 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
24 It was only a matter of a few hours before the stranger had been slotted into the local kinship network ; and the recognition of kinship was mutual .
25 In August , 1944 I was flying Mustangs from Grimbergen , through to the Arnhem campaign , and my memories are that we were the first RAF Squadron to be based near Brussels , and only a matter of a few days after our armies had liberated that City .
26 I could get to the car-park in a few minutes if I wanted to and be near him , thinking of him — his problems over , lying on the brown eiderdown in his blue pyjamas .
27 It 's as hard to do justice to the beauty of the Eternal City in a few words as it is to see everything in a few days .
28 " You 'll have the application form in a few days as soon as I can get it processed . "
29 Vincent liked to have him sitting drowsily on the floor of his studio on a few sacks while he worked .
30 They back off six inches and then charge like two bulls , with the female grasping the male by the bottom lip for a few seconds before he escapes .
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