Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Every penny he was paying he was having grant for it from the government Aye .
2 The cast and crew were situated in the picturesque summer tourist trap of St Ives where they virtually took over the comfortable olde-worlde Tregenna Castle Hotel , while Peckinpah rented a small cottage for himself on the moor .
3 the main explanation why so long to reply is very much geared to the fact that we are in the hands of the Electricity Board for everything below the junction box on the street lighted column , if the bolt is in the cable , or a cable junction or in a circuit we are in the hands in another organization totally , who will have their own timescales and priority to responses .
4 There is no provision for one in the Bill .
5 But she did n't find out he had made no provision for her in the event of his death until Elizabeth could no longer withhold her sentiments .
6 A theatrical gentleman approached me after one of the performances , said he was impressed by my singing , and that he could obtain a part for me with the Schikenader Company in Vienna .
7 The pity of it was that she had n't made a bigger part for herself in the night 's scenario ; she was getting polite nods and hellos from people that she already knew slightly , and curious glances from most of the others .
8 I later found out that the school had enquired at the house after the girl 's continued absence and been given some plausible excuse for it by the father .
9 I think there might be a parcel for you at the door is it ?
10 driver for me on the phone , so he calls me up , oh we 've got load of them he said
11 As he peered through the binoculars he felt a tremor of excitement course through him at the prospect of seeing the printed images come to life .
12 He sat up immediately on his cot , feeling a surge of pleasurable anticipation course through him at the prospect of one more day stalking the great game animals of southern Asia through the beautiful tropical forest where he now felt almost at home .
13 He knew that he would be rash to expect everyone to obey him all the time ; he had secured the Moghul throne for himself by the skill with which he had played off his brothers against one another , and he distrusted most of the people around him .
14 er full courses and I think too people tend to say about that level for something like the accountancy
15 A white cow used to provide milk for everyone in the locality , but it was customary for only one pailful to he taken .
16 Mr Forsyth 's support for student loans has ensured little support for him on the campus but , that apart , the student vote seems to be as divided as it is in the wider constituency .
17 While Mr David Waddington does not intend to use his office to promote capital punishment , and will maintain the tradition of a free vote for MPs , his intervention in a renewed debate would provide the most passionate support for it from the Government front bench since it was abolished in 1965 .
18 The professional qualifications material provides stimulating learning support for anyone in the hotel and catering industry .
19 Before 1234 he had supervised the construction of a model dwelling-place for himself within the cathedral close , the profits from whose sale he later put towards Salisbury 's fabric fund .
20 And the secular armies which established her hegemony for her on the Continent were in no position to undertake a full-scale military campaign against Ireland .
21 Well I 'll go and have a look for us at the bus stop in n it ?
22 Although it felt like a miraculous coincidence for us at the time , it was more that we were all ready to grapple with this issue in our lives .
23 Rather than reveal qualitative differences among the banks and draw the public 's attention to the bad-debt mess ( not to mention the responsibility for it of the finance ministry , which regulates banks ) , officials are doing everything they can to help banks sweep their problems under the carpet .
24 He had no idea where he was , except that it must be somewhere in the wilds of Wales , well hidden from any possibility of rescue ; and he took his first unwilling look about him in the conviction that captivity could mean nothing better than solitude , close confinement and squalor .
25 The fact that he also made a little money for himself in the process was considered only reasonable by the majority of fans .
26 money for him across the road ?
27 I am raising money for him at the moment .
28 To see if I can get the money for it before the end of the month .
29 The island is named after a daughter of King Bela IV who pledged to build a Dominican convent for her on the island if the Mongols could be defeated .
30 ‘ I kept a lookout for you on the ship .
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