Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] time [subord] " in BNC.

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1 A wall that has been damp will often contain moisture for a long time after the cause has been remedied , so it is better to allow the walls to dry out naturally , although anti-damp paint could be used to allow the room to be decorated before the wall has dried out .
2 MOTHERWELL climbed to the top of the Scottish Premier Division for the first time since League reconstruction 14 years ago with a 1-0 win over Rangers at Fir Park last night .
3 In a speech on Nov. 12 the United States President Bush announced that US diplomatic representation in Laos would be upgraded to ambassadorial level for the first time since the communist regime came to power in 1975 .
4 Er I mean the er it 's er , course there are three orders that we are looking at tonight , it includes the er the third order er in relation not to boundaries but to the registration of overseas er voters to enable them to vote er in this , in this er election within U K constituencies and therefore that 's why the position that Mr David Robeddow as the chairman of Conservatives abroad er in Monte Carlo is relevant , er but also bec because of course the purpose of the European parliament for the first time as it will go through under these new boundaries , now is that they will be able to remedy some of that democratic deficit .
5 She had lain in her child 's bed and become aware of the reality of her heart for the first time as its beat quickened in response to the sparrow 's wild meanderings .
6 With exactly half the seats in the Congress the PSOE was without an absolute majority for the first time since it came to power in 1982 .
7 A discrete block of land may have been in existence for a long time before it was first described in a written document .
8 They played rummy with Patsy in the kitchen for a long time because Mother and Father went across the road to Dr and Mrs Johnson 's house .
9 She 's got our number all right an' we 'll 'ave to give this place a miss for a long time after this .
10 But with 17 matches to go and key players returning , Strudwick believes his side can reach the big-time for the first time since the Rugby League began their bid to take the game beyond the confines of Yorkshire and Lancashire with the Fulham experiment back in the early eighties .
11 Some black children may have had their first experience of Jamaican Creole from reggae lyrics , while others may have been attracted to Creole for the first time because of the music .
12 Can you tell me why , on returning to normal drive after 4WD , I experience severe jumping in the steering action for a brief time before everything returns to normal .
13 Krabbe 's comeback GERMANY 'S double world sprint champion Katrin Krabbe will be back in action for the first time since the lifting of her doping ban , at a meeting on her home Neubrandenburg track on June 13 .
14 The wound plagued an injured nerve for the last time as he took the few steps to the trapdoor under the beam .
15 His mind for a long time before this crisis arose had been turning to the idea of a new party orientation and government by what he called a Council of State …
16 As well as campaigning against embryo research , it plans to introduce an abortion amendment to the Bill , thereby forcing a free vote for the first time since abortion was legalised in 1967 .
17 I recently returned to Bali for the first time since my Los Angeles house burned down .
18 Everyone , I am sure , will have been delighted to see Sandy Lyle making the cut for the first time since he won in 1988 .
19 Seeing his eyes move away from her mouth for the first time since the whole affair had begun , she shook her shoulders so that her full , rounded gourds trembled like jelly .
20 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
21 It is unlikely a team will get all the details of its programme at the same time as the call to the work .
22 If you do not participate in regular exercise , then you should begin some sort of exercise programme at the same time as you begin your diet .
23 But when apparatchiks from Central Office , who have us acting as stewards ( ie , usherettes ) are often seen risking life and limb , SAS-style , in order to arrive at a doorway at the same time as a minister does , they are taking a serious risk with morale .
24 The President is elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term at the same time as elections take place to the 120-member National Assembly .
25 Legislative authority rests with the National Assembly , with 125 elective members , elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term at the same time as the President , and 10 members chosen by the President .
26 Immacolata said it glowed prettily , the light was flattering , and this recollection passed across his mind at the same time as he registered the woman 's contorted face , her blotched cheeks and veined eyes , and began to hear what she was saying :
27 If a letter is very good and the applicant clearly fits the job/ personnel specification fairly well you may wish to send out an appointment for an interview at the same time as the application form .
28 So Iran continues to uphold the territorial integrity of its old enemy at the same time as bombing it .
29 The new Business Rate , also known as the National Non-Domestic Rate ( NNDR ) , will come into effect at the same time as the Community Charge/Poll Tax on 1st April 1990. this leaflet is intended to outline the changes that are being made to the rating system and show how these changes will affect businesses in Oxford .
30 how can the thigh bone yeah be strong and light at the same time cos it 's hollow
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