Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [verb] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the life of a child can so easily hang in the balance , is there not a case for recommending that all parents attend a practical course in first aid , rather than relying on the printed page ?
2 Responsibility for seeing that these conditions are complied with post-authorisation lies in the first instance with the trustee company .
3 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
4 Also , the responsibility for ensuring that such planting is actually carried out is now a binding part of the clearance contract , as is the application of initial fertiliser to ensure the success of newly sown legumes .
5 Someone ( logically the senior partner ) should take personal responsibility for ensuring that this aspect of the life of the firm is kept under constant review .
6 I have of course no intention of suggesting that this intellectual and , by implication , political revolution went on without a single hitch .
7 Wearily he said : ‘ Miss Washbrooke , you have taken the responsibility of deciding that those knives were sent by a hoaxer and not a murderer .
8 The very primitive signalling systems available and the extreme difficulty of ensuring that any order was understood and obeyed were equally important obstacles in the way of an original or aggressive admiral .
9 If a non-competition covenant appears likely to infringe Article 85(1) exemption is possible under Article 85(3) although such an exemption is unlikely to be granted in respect of restrictive covenants because of the difficulty of showing that such provisions fulfil the four requirements set out in Article 85(3) that must be satisfied if an exemption is to be available .
10 This move had a dramatic effect on the income of pensioners in 1948 , but flawed the Beveridge scheme in the long run by ensuring that many pensioners would have to continue resorting to means-tested benefits .
11 This is one issue on which the hon. Gentleman might have commenced his supplementary question by saying that most people in Wales are pleased with the way in which the Government have fought for the British lamb industry as a whole and that Welsh consignments have been fought for , too .
12 L 220 , p. 1 ) providing that all fish catches subject to quota made by vessels ‘ flying the flag ’ or ‘ registered ’ in a member state should be charged against the quota applicable to that state , the applicants in the main proceedings maintained that there was no basis for suggesting that that provision permitted member states to derogate as regards the grant of the flag from their basic E.E.C .
13 It took the view that the upper limit is arbitrary , and might operate unfairly , since a person just above the limit receives no assistance , whereas a person just below it might have to make a substantial contribution but would have the security of knowing that that contribution represents the maximum liability for costs regardless of the actual cost or the outcome of the case .
14 His first years in government were spent in the Whips ' Office , where he was schooled in the importance of ensuring that all interests were taken into account .
15 In deliberating on this important issue the Committee recognised the importance of ensuring that all staff in the Exchequer Division should be clearly informed of the present position .
16 Last year you will remember I caused something of a sensation by announcing that this boat would cost £1m to build , this year it is the boat herself which is causing the sensation . ’
17 The government defended this charge by arguing that some LEAs manipulated the curriculum for ideological purposes rather than solely seeking to accommodate electors ' wishes and meet children 's needs .
18 The task of the theist , as I see it in this book , is to define what he or she means by the word ‘ God ’ , and to give some evidence for believing that this Deity exists .
19 Wherever possible , the better course would seem to be to make the switch from paying outgoing partners for goodwill to ensuring that all partners make proper retirement plan contributions ( Clause 14.02 ) .
20 However , in view of the importance of even 3d. in the weekly budget of the poor , the inconvenience to , and lack of enthusiasm for the scheme of , employers and the absence of any machinery for ensuring that all workers earning under £150 p.a. wee indeed covered , it is probable that many of the poorest workers ( many of them women ) were not in the end provided for .
21 The sequence number field orders the rows and provides a mechanism for checking that all rows of the text were stored or read .
22 The beauty of the UCP is that since all relevant contracts involve a bank there is a ready mechanism for ensuring that all contracts are governed by the UCP .
23 The truth of the matter is that , conceptually , rhythm occupies that grey area of learning that few students of the guitar will admit to having any desire to explore .
24 The inclusion of cryptogamic entries distinguishes this index from the published Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature , and the convenience of knowing that all entries are represented in the Library makes this index very useful to staff , despite its limitations .
25 A method of recognising that some age groups are more expensive to teach , for example , those at examination level which require specific books and materials .
26 But the federal Department of Energy has helped to accelerate research on waste disposal by arguing that these pools are becoming dangerously crowded — an argument the plants ' owners echo .
27 In addition to finding that many Boroughs actually made a profit from council house rents , and thus subsidized ratepayers , they found that the highest transfer from rates to council housing was no less than 443 per cent above average .
28 We can surely think of pleasure and pain as referring to felt qualities of experience without denying that these qualities are of radically different kinds .
29 But Coun Szintai criticised the Salvation Army for suggesting that some people brought the problem upon themselves by spending cash on smoking and drinking .
30 But the judge granted a licence after hearing that this year there would be stricter security , and tougher restrictions on the type of music played .
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