Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Scott also suggested that in addition to carrying out some exercise or activity focused around one of the essential concepts , pupils should be given the opportunity for reflecting on the thinking processes they have gone through .
2 Taking things for granted or failing to seek new understanding indicates a lost opportunity for adding to the store of experience .
3 The general case for exporting for the good of the economy and for the good of individual companies has been covered , together with an overview of organisational and cultural issues .
4 A case for staying at The Lygon Arms .
5 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
6 However , there is a serious difficulty about adding to the number of MPs linked to the government .
7 Nails lit a cigarette , an excuse for staying in the warehouse .
8 Through some judicious editing of the contributions of Shinehead and Teddy Pendergrass , Kaye managed to shoehorn the material into two CDs , utilising the maximum 74 and a half minutes available on both ( the excessive running time provided a convenient excuse for dispensing with the need for a vinyl format ) .
9 Through some judicious editing of the contributions of Shinehead and Teddy Pendergrass , Kaye managed to shoehorn the material into two CDs , utilising the maximum 74 and a half minutes available on both ( the excessive running time provided a convenient excuse for dispensing with the need for a vinyl format ) .
10 At the other end of the scale the ‘ When in Rome do as the Romans ’ is no excuse for dropping to the level of a curse between every other word that is met in some otherwise honest circles .
11 Hence , his excuse for coming to the cottage was also a fake .
12 In the process , the project should generate an appropriate framework for thinking about the provision of business support services which could in principle be applied to any locality .
13 President Menem , who was not obliged by the Constitution to call an election , was reported as saying that one was not necessary since his brother was Duhalde 's " natural successor as established by the law " .
14 Even as heir-apparent , he had been in correspondence with Louis XVI of France concerning his plans for reorganising the army , and the overthrow of the French monarchy in the year of his accession , 1789 , did not diminish his enthusiasm for learning from the west .
15 I have no enthusiasm for returning to the sort of legislation that applied at that time .
16 We may not all want to be ‘ artists ’ , producing and performing work , but arts events can provide another accessible route for looking at the world in relation to disabled people .
17 ( 6 ) No partner shall be entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business .
18 Designers of computer based support for thinking beyond the level of merely providing additional information will hopefully begin to simultaneously use and develop these ideas .
19 Twite concluded that there is limited support for marking to the market having an effect on futures prices .
20 All the same , what would you think of these reasons for inserting a piece of autobiography into the second defence of the English people , a defence of course for cutting off the head of Charles the First .
21 It said that the governors ‘ do not see the immediate necessity for applying to the Crown for a Royal Charter to be granted to this Institution ’ but that ‘ every facility ’ would be given to the veterinary surgeons ‘ for procuring an Act of Parliament to prevent certain grievances complained of by the Memorial , which could not be relieved by a Charter ’ .
22 Nor was he the only imperialist of his day of whom it might have been said , as one of his biographers said of him , that he had ‘ a genius for backing into the limelight ’ .
23 With staff who are expert in many fields — from woodland , farmland and river management to socio-economics and interpreting the countryside to visitors — the RSPB can give valuable , practical and commonsense advice to those who have a responsibility for looking after the countryside .
24 After a new client was ushered onto the market by the AE , the SAE would then assume responsibility for looking after the client 's market positions , and for obtaining future business .
25 However , in the majority of households , responsibility for looking after the family and home goes hand-in-hand with money management .
26 It also draws attention to the setting-up in Scotland , after the vote on devolution , of the Tertiary Education Council with the responsibility for advising on the whole of the further education sector there , and notes that no comparable body is able to do a similar service for Wales .
27 In units which employ a multidisciplinary approach , each patient might be allocated one member of staff ( a ‘ primary therapist ’ ) who has the main responsibility for dealing with the patient 's problems .
28 Other Cabinet changes prompted by Keating 's resignation were : the appointment of Simon Crean in place of Kerin ; the appointment of Ross Free to replace Crean as junior Minister for Science and Technology ; and the addition of responsibility for Housing to the portfolio of Brian Howe .
29 Though there is as yet no national TUC policy on involvement in Compacts , an officer in the TUC Education section has particular responsibility for linking with the initiative .
30 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
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