Example sentences of "go on a bit " in BNC.

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1 He goes on a bit … ’
2 Goes on a bit thick .
3 So you 've got the children tomorrow lunchtime , you 've got the band tomorrow evening , but the library exhibition goes on a bit longer ?
4 I thought we were going on a bit .
5 Well if you rung you could always say oh I 'll have to go cos somebody at the door if she starts going on a bit long .
6 like he does n't know if he 's going on a bit at the moment , he 's just wandering about ,
7 Sheila and Annie did go on a bit last time .
8 Right , let's go on a bit further , so we 've just done concussion , compression er the next one is an illness , epilepsy now epilepsy , two types , you get the petit mal which is the small fit and the grand mal which is the erm large fit or the full , full fit .
9 might go on a bit Shut me gob .
10 Erm I think , yeah , o over elaborate erm explanation of why the C C Q , that went on a bit long .
11 If these are easily achieved we go on a bit longer .
12 Go on a bit louder .
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