Example sentences of "go to talk [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the ostler 's evening meal was almost ready to be served , the Burford constable asked him to accompany him to Handley Farm , where he was going to talk to Seb , and the two men walked along the road deep in conversation .
2 I 'm not going to talk to Gog .
3 ‘ I 'm going to talk to Gog about rain , I can tell you that .
4 I 'm going to talk to Father .
5 ‘ I do n't think I am going to talk to Shaunagh again , ’ he said .
6 ‘ If we 're going to talk to Grandson , 39 , then it 'd better be you who does it .
7 He was going to talk to Daddy — about us . ’
8 During the coming weeks , as I told you in our last programme , we are going to talk with people from outside the university who have contacts with us .
9 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
10 But if you 're going to talk about countries like Turkey , for example , one of the provisions about membership is that there is no dispute as to boundaries , that there are no conflicts on your border , that you have a good humans right re human rights record .
11 So we 're going to talk about things like repackaging , restating in forms which are useful to the media , so that they can actually do some of your work for you .
12 So today I 'm going to talk about notions of structure or about sentence structure and logical form , so point one a reminder something that I keep saying , knowledge of language is knowledge of a bod a body of rules that assign phonological , syntactic and semantic properties to words and sentences .
13 Erm okay I 'm going to talk about syntax mostly erm is everybody happy with the , the role that the assignment of structure plays in , in logics and semantics ?
14 Continuing our short series on disasters , today we 're going to talk about weathering and erosion in Sussex .
15 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
16 All right , I am going to be brave and am going to talk about failure .
17 Continuing our serious on disasters , today we 're going to talk about immunology — one of the ways in which the body defends itself against disease .
18 He , he he 's going to talk about Jamaica you say ?
19 ‘ I 'm not going to talk about rain today . ’
20 I think we 're not going to talk about processing .
21 I 'm going to talk as Keith Gaunt , who has a mandate . ’
22 So , you know , if you 're going to talk in terms of losses , then it does suggest , heaven forbid that the allies have got to lose a tremendous number of aircraft before the equation sort of balances .
23 What was really in your mind when you went to talk to Gene Holly ?
24 The next day Bernard went to talk to Father William , and came home to say yes , it was okay , Ellen could take instruction and , if all went well , could become a convert to Catholicism .
25 After the afflicted family had left , it was almost six , and Shelley went to talk to Victoria , the beautiful Spanish receptionist .
26 Because it rained all the next week , Mary went to talk to Colin every day instead of visiting the garden .
27 So if I went to talk to Jess
28 ‘ I think all the things that I initially tried to recruit carers were n't successful — I went to talk to vicars and community centres and the job centre , and wherever — none of these provided me with … well one vicar provided me with somebody .
29 If the abbey was a marvel of man 's work , the Tor was God 's answer for in that flat land it looked like one of the high places mentioned in the bible where the ancient patriarchs went to talk to Yahweh .
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