Example sentences of "go to go into the " in BNC.

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1 And look at us now would youse — look at this place now — Sean and Michael live like kings — whatever they might say — and I 'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores here . ’
2 I 'm not going to go into the dream thing with Cal , or say anything about Vern 's dad .
3 This is not a book about dieting , so I am not going to go into the subject in great depth .
4 So then I 'll need to go and get my pads and my bandages so that I can put this right , you 'll need two of these for this bandage , the first one , you open out so that the pad is going to go into the palm of her hand and that over the top and she is going to grab hold of the other one like that , okay , now we 've got the wad in there and she 's hanging on to it , but it was the sterile part of the bandage as I undid it that went on to the wound , there is no time for dressing here is there ?
5 and my concern is that our children are going to go into the er work place to try and you know establish their own
6 And it was a ridiculous situation , so I went along and said er , look Jack er , we 're going to go into the annual palaver , I mean , you know , very high inflation .
7 Was there at some time then , a briefing for the officers who were going to go into the flat ?
8 It 's useable by it 's going to go into the , the archives for public consumption .
9 I think if we are going to go into the next century with any real chance of providing proper education and training in the sixteen to nineteen age range , we need to do the job properly , and frankly I think the offer in Banbury at the moment is not up to scratch .
10 Conditions had been met and there was so much speculation about when we were going to go into the Exchange Rate Mechanism , we took advantage of the excellent opportunity which , which
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