Example sentences of "go [adv] round [art] " in BNC.

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1 To name an angle all we have to do is to name the route we would take to go right round the edge of the angle .
2 That little faith went on to go right round the world and it 's here today .
3 Arrangements were also made for two firemen to take it in turns to sleep on the premises and instructions were given to these men to go all round the shops after the Works are closed and ‘ inspect every hole and corner to see if there is any sign of fire and afterwards to sleep on the premises so as to be ready in case of accident ’ .
4 It goes once round the sun every year .
5 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
6 The last few years have seen unauthorised clothes going all round the world .
7 Well we 've been working hard today going all round the stores
8 Go right round a f these the field and cut your first swathe out and tie it up with a a load of the straw that you 'd cut and bind it up , bundle it up and shove that in the hedge bottom .
9 ‘ And you go right round the table . ’
10 ‘ And I go right round the table .
11 She went right round the edge of the roof , carefully distributing flowers as she went .
12 Went right round the bottom of this field , looked round the bank and there was just a bloody great hole in the gate massive !
13 ‘ It 's gone right round the whole of Devon , Somerset and Cornwall .
14 ‘ If I ever hear Wichita Lineman again , ’ said Mrs Lomax , ‘ I 'll go right round the bend ! ’
15 The idea that one could go right round the universe and end up where one started makes good science fiction , but it does n't have much practical significance , because it can be shown that the universe would recollapse to zero size before one could get round .
16 That 'll go right round the top .
17 To reach their goal d'Abreu 's men had gone halfway round the world from Europe to the Orient , and always in directions with an easterly component .
18 I wanted to stay with you , not go all round the world , dancing . ’
19 Posh tours that go all round the world — Pyramids and Aegean Sea .
20 ever so well , they go all round the old erm villages wa erm Weemington and eighty pound a week he gets !
21 go all round the ceiling line , round , the pattern all matches , and the pattern
22 It went all round the room and had ten different colours in it .
23 I 've no doubt the joke went all round the Officer 's Mess .
24 The men went all round the house with the scanners and everywhere was radioactive-the kitchen , the bedroom , the bathroom .
25 Yeah , yeah was kind , it was kind of them , yes and we went all round the shops and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and in the new Co-Op as well you know , I thoroughly enjoyed it but he took me in the car so that we did n't have to hang about you see
26 And we went all round the bed and we went all round outside , we went all through the back smelt outside Jane 's door in case she 'd she were on fire could n't find nothing , sat down and read , he said it 's cos the telly 's on and I expect it 's damp and it 's you know
27 In nineteen hundred and twelve the Dutch came and the Oxford Motor Club entertained them and we went all round the High Wycome area , Cophill and that on hill climbs , so we re-enacted it last year and I was riding my nineteen fourteen motorcycle , and I was asked — I was the oldest rider — how old are you ? — I said eighty years old — and what is your biggest difficulty ? — and I said getting my leg over , which I really literally meant because the saddle 's very high and I do have a job getting my leg over the saddle !
28 But why go half-way round the world to find Lady Happiness when She works next door to you ?
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