Example sentences of "go [adv] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 We need to go only as far as eqn ( 2.21 ) .
2 Even in the new Latin America , it seems , the commitment to free trade goes only so far .
3 ‘ This goes much too far . ’
4 UNCED 's Secretary-General , Maurice Strong , has acknowledged that there will be " serious failures " at the summit , and added , in an oblique reference to the US , that " some countries are not going nearly as far as they could " .
5 He says it 's going well so far , although we have had some problems with ticket touts .
6 Without going quite so far , historians have indeed been critical .
7 While we do not wish to go even this far , there is no doubt that it represents a powerfully persuasive tradition of social research .
8 The thinking is that last year 's lobbying may have convinced those who matter in Whitehall and Westminister that the proposals go rather too far .
9 The observer 's readiness to modify is admirably honest ( Mr Palomar is a nice man ) and ultimately exhausting : the process of adjustment can go only so far before atrophy threatens .
10 The amalgamation of farms has gone much too far in Britain — much further than it has in any other European country .
11 I am not in favour of long-term institutional care in hospitals , but the balance between the opportunity for decent health care for the elderly in our hospital services and the opportunity for other care has gone much too far .
12 The king 's messenger caught up with him at Piacenza and they went together as far as Lyons .
13 In these conditions , the type of homosexuality that is mediated through pop music can only go just so far : in a perfect paradigm , Frankie Goes to Hollywood exploited the gay image of lead singers Paul Rutherford and Holly Johnson — for ‘ Relax ’ — and then dropped it like a hot potato as soon as another marketing device — this time , nuclear war became available for ‘ Two Tribes ’ .
14 All went well as far as Jersey , where the Met man proclaimed that thunderstorms to the south would shortly ground all light aircraft , pointing to the yellow and red swathe on his TV monitor .
15 Through the winter months , the larger firms gave further assurances that they were willing " to take immediate steps for the gradual reduction of female comps " ; some it seems went even so far as to dismiss women .
16 Although things have gone well so far , the Mozambican peace process is far from secure .
17 Few , however , go quite as far as Dickens , who is apt to bum great houses down .
18 If you go twice as fast as something else , and you started out at the same instant from the same spot , you 'd go twice as far — which is what you found .
19 Again Balfour 's account is in substantial agreement , although he adds the gloss that when , at one stage in his summing up he referred to his assumption that Asquith would not serve under either Law or Lloyd George , Asquith intervened to say that he had not gone quite so far as that ; he must consult his friends before giving a final answer .
20 No-one else had gone quite as far as that , and the self-conscious Thiercelin had tried to look as if Lefevre was nothing to do with him .
21 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
22 ‘ I would not think you need go quite so far , ’ Bragg said , picking up the file .
23 The Flower of Chivalry did not go quite so far as that .
24 Then if you want blue to go the other side of the hoop and black to go here say , to the black wo n't go quite so far and the blue will .
25 The Crofting Reform ( Scotland ) Act of 1976 did not go quite as far as this , but it did give the crofters the incontestable right to purchase their house and garden , and the optional ( though not incontestable ) right to purchase their land for 15 times the annual rent .
26 Many may have been persuaded or encouraged not to do so by the uncertainty in the law , so I would not go quite as far as my hon. Friend in suggesting that local authorities alone are to blame .
27 Perhaps few of the inhabitants went quite so far as the parents of Fly-Fornication Richardson of Waldron or Small-hope Biggs of Rye in their statements of religious principle , but a dominant number of the eastern rural and urban elite found their religious and political sympathies increasingly divorced from the fumbling attempts of the Stuarts to impose their image of the monarchy .
28 For while many Catalans may have felt that the Statute , especially in the financial sphere , went nowhere near far enough , the political right and much of the officer corps were incensed at what they considered the dismembering of the Spanish ‘ Fatherland ’ .
29 Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that the figures that he has announced for training and education will go nowhere near far enough to fill the skills gap ?
30 ‘ Praise goes twice as far in producing positive results as picking on the negative .
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