Example sentences of "there [verb] be several " in BNC.

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1 There 've been several attempts to get E Ten right since nineteen eighty .
2 There 've been several reported sightings of Mr Garvey 's blue Volvo estate car , but as yet non has been confirmed .
3 There had been several German counter attacks on the Commando positions around the village during the past three days .
4 There had been several local , peripheral wars in which Britain had been engaged , notably that in Korea in 1950–3 , and a long series of conflicts to resolve colonial problems — Malaya in the late 1940s , Kenya and Cyprus in the 1950s , Suez ( most traumatically ) in 1956 , Aden and Southern Arabia in the sixties .
5 Granada has a £63million stake in BSB and said there had been several approaches for Alan Bond 's major stake in the venture .
6 There had been several witnesses .
7 He found he was still standing there some minutes later , not because the traffic had been particularly heavy — there had been several opportunities to cross — but because he was lost in thought about what he had seen .
8 there had been several accidents to conductors swinging along the open-sided cars .
9 Both had been having affairs and there had been several brief separations .
10 There had been several copyings out and rewritings over a number of years , and although the changes made are sometimes evidence of ideological revisionism ( the poet had become more conformist in his later years ) , what is remarkable is how much of the young man 's vision has been allowed to remain intact .
11 There had been several small books published earlier .
12 There had been several rapes in the London area at around that time and , sure enough , the attacker was waiting , hidden in the alley , for an unsuspecting and defenceless visitor .
13 During the interwar years there had been several proposals for something that would go beyond this to involve governments , and in 1938 the idea of a Nordic Council had been proposed by Denmark .
14 In addition , there had been several successive bad harvests , and a phylloxera epidemic which devastated the vineyards .
15 In the summer of 1974 there had been several questions regarding the possibility of anonymity in rape cases .
16 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
17 The trouble was that Louise , like a number of other members of the garrison , was suffering from scurvy ; there had been several cases of partial blindness and of swollen heads , but the most common symptom , and the one which was troubling Louise , was the loosening of teeth .
18 Before the successful insurrection of 1815 there had been several isolated incidents in which bands of Serbs attacked and murdered Turkish officials .
19 A group collecting around the Birmingham solicitor William Bedford invoked the old legal process of ‘ appeal of murder ’ , generally regarded as obsolete ( though there had been several in the eighteenth century ) .
20 This time the red that flooded Folly 's face was of annoyance — until the thought occurred to her that there had been several other sets of serviceable underwear she could have chosen .
21 He revealed that there had been several Iranian-US contacts " in the last few days " through the Swiss embassy in Tehran .
22 During his detention there had been several protest demonstrations attracting crowds of up to 12,000 people , and Khmara had twice staged hunger strikes .
23 There had been several less serious explosions in or near Addis Ababa since the EPRDF takeover ; a number of residents of the Shagolle suburb had been killed on May 28 when a shell hit a munitions plant , and five people , including two EPRDF guards , were killed by gunmen at Addis Ababa University on May 31 .
24 With hindsight , there had been several signs of an impending conservative takeover .
25 This was prompted by the costs of war-indeed , since the renewal of the conflict with France in 1369 there had been several major fiscal exactions , of which the three poll taxes were the last .
26 The spot was clearly a favourite one with the crew and there had been several men dozing there when Owen and Mahmoud had appeared .
27 There had been several nasty incidents recently in the town when lone women had been subjected to attacks of one kind or another , so she could n't help but look over her shoulder as she made her way along the rows of parked cars to where her small Fiesta was parked next to a sleek-looking Jaguar .
28 Since then there had been several extensions built , a new accident and emergency unit , and a radiotherapy centre .
29 A spokesman said there had been several raids on homes in the past few days by sneak thieves .
30 Barnard Castle police said there had been several incidents reported at Winston Bridge .
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