Example sentences of "all a question of " in BNC.

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1 It 's all a question of what a writer can use , what the work in hand will let him use .
2 ‘ It is all a question of mind over matter , ’ Davies says — ‘ just like Last Suspect .
3 But we 're not slaves to healthy eating — it 's all a question of moderation . ’
4 It 's all a question of the rate of your personal metabolism .
5 It was all a question of catching it at the right angle .
6 It is all a question of time .
7 ‘ It 's all a question of market , of you negotiating your deals in an appropriate way .
8 Perhaps it is all a question of timing , and that summer afternoon in 1921 was the moment when the linear impulse started its break through to public awareness .
9 Barn owls are popular as pets , though , and a good breeding pair can produce four clutches of eggs a year in captivity , which again keeps the price down — it 's all a question of supply and demand .
10 It is all a question of being organised and having a plan ; after all , it takes a minute to tell the gardeners to spray this or frame that … ’
11 " It 's all a question of the difference between the epic and the tragic , " he said , when she expressed a preference for heroes that die .
12 From now on , it appears , it is going to be all a question of fighting for market share .
13 It 's all a question of luck , really . ’
14 And it is not all a question of which policy will provide homes for the future .
15 ‘ These days it 's all a question of money , ’ Lorton said .
16 To strive , to seek , to butch it out- it 's all a question of willpower .
17 ‘ It 's all a question of balance , ’ Edward muttered .
18 It was all a question of balance .
19 Well , maybe it is all a question of time .
20 It 's all a question of who you know ’ — and got a job as a DJ on a Detroit radio station on a show called Streetbeat .
21 I suppose it 's all a question of balance as Mark says .
22 It is all a question of respect and reputation — not just of the plaintiff as a human being , but as a worker — a public official , business executive , professional or performer .
23 He says it 's all a question of balance .
24 She says that it was all a question of remembering rules and methods .
25 This is a very important way of handling statistics , is n't it , in a sense , I mean , if you 're talking about , in another context , if you talk about recidivism , and , and you say forty percent of people who go into prison reoffend within the following five years , that 's the down side , or you could say sixty percent do n't , or sixty percent keep out , and it 's all a question of how you actually phrase it .
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