Example sentences of "all a lot [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Voloshin argued against him and then Modi interrupted : ‘ You 're all a lot of bloody innocents .
2 It was all a lot of fun and of course very encouraging .
3 Believe me , the CIA , the KGB , Mossad , MI6 are all a lot of coarse novices relying on schoolboy cruelties and inaccurate hearsay compared to the knowledge and sophistication of the hareem information system .
4 To justify this and Stalin presents it as a revolutionary me measure , as a shift to the left , as the creation of socialism , to justify it er Stalin presents the argument that the whole world is moving forward to a new stage on the road to socialism , it 's all a lot of nonsense but the ideological needs of the regime in Russia are determining the advice which is being given to er various communist parties .
5 When Dr Maxwell came along a little later , I asked him about it , and although he pooh-poohed it a bit and said it was all a lot of nonsense , I did get him to admit it could n't do me any actual harm to go to the classes and do exercises .
6 Even when presented with photographs showing obvious emaciation from starvation , the sufferer from anorexia may comply with forced feeding through intravenous or naso-gastric infusion in hospital but still continue to believe that this is all a lot of fuss and that other people are the ones who really have problems .
7 Hopefully , by the time the lingering effects of physical addiction have worn off , there will be sufficient group cohesion and peer pressure to persuade the sufferer to stay in treatment and thereby counter-act the urge to believe that the problems were all a lot of fuss about nothing .
8 Save us all a lot of red faces . ’
9 Same as the south fields they pinched all a lot of that .
10 ‘ Then ca n't you just give in gracefully and save us all a lot of trouble ? ’
11 Which I know is all a lot of money and let me just tell you here , what we have spent this year on advertising .
12 It would do us all a lot of good .
13 It would save you all a lot of time
14 As that that would make all all a lot of crimes stop .
15 Well just well if , because it 's all a lot of it 's to do with this alca alchemical
16 For example , in fifteen fifty seven/eight , when Queen Mary lost Calais to the French , the income of the town corporation doubled in that year from three hundred pounds to six hundred , and that 's entirely because they pulled in awful lot of French boats and then charged them all a lot of ransom money before they sent them back to France .
17 For example , in fifteen fifty-seven , eight , when Queen Mary lost Calais to the French , the income of the town corporation doubled in that year from three hundreds pounds to six hundred and that 's entirely because they pulled in an awful lot of French boats and then charged them all a lot of ransom money before they sent them back to France .
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