Example sentences of "would not leave [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd not leave it to someone who would turn it over .
2 The memory of his last visit would not leave her ; there was a jagged edge to it — for had she not tried to force him against his will and had he not been aware of that and too kind to give her the direct reaction she deserved for her over-boldness ?
3 She visited Kitty , wishing the old woman really had been a witch and then she could have solved the riddles which would not leave her in peace .
4 She wanted to be left alone just as she was , wherever she was , but the people would not leave her alone .
5 I would not leave her alone .
6 Those words of Idris , ‘ Pas possible , ’ and his hangdog look would not leave me alone .
7 You would not leave me behind now ? ’
8 ‘ I did not agree , but she would not leave me alone ’
9 I did not agree , but she would not leave me alone .
10 You see , when Wolsey fell from power and died in Leicester Abbey , crushing my hand and whispering , ‘ If I had served my God as well as I served my king , he would not leave me to die like this , ’ Agrippa transferred his allegiance to Henry and brought those two witches over to build a special clock .
11 You would not leave me behind ? ’
12 The worst of being in a job which the world regarded as not the right place for him was that the world would not leave him alone .
13 At Bethel , the place of the vision of the stairway to heaven , God promised him that he would be with him , that he would keep him wherever he went , that he would bring him back to the Land , and would not leave him .
14 But they would not leave him alone .
15 But the image of Dinah would not leave him , and was strengthened by the times he visited the theatre and saw her in the flesh .
16 He recalled he had suffered a terrible nightmare ; so vivid that even when his eyes were open and he was screaming for his mammy , the nightmare would not leave him .
17 This world would not leave him alone , it seemed .
18 But she would not leave us be .
19 And Francis would know something was happening : he would not leave it be until he 'd extracted every detail , he never did .
20 We would not leave it to the discretion of the doctors but , acting on the best medical advice , set down what drugs could be prescribed and those that could not .
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