Example sentences of "would see the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I just remembered — we promised Anna we 'd see the piazza by moonlight . ’
2 I never thought I 'd see the day , etc , etc , etc
3 ‘ Well , ’ and she flinched at the cutting acidity in his voice , ‘ I never thought I 'd see the day when a woman could fool me , but you managed pretty well .
4 I never thought I 'd see the day when a British politician shook hands with Saddam Hussein .
5 Though she never thought she 'd see the day when she 'd be thankful for Matthew 's presence in the same room as her , Charity silently echoed Mandy 's gratitude , and held down her skirt even harder .
6 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
7 If George Orwell were to return to Sheffield today he 'd see the metamorphosis from spacious if spartan semi-detached suburbias to dense tower blocks .
8 He 'd see the claw , though : she lifted her arm in a circle , and the great claw rotated above her head in an unmistakable signal .
9 Yes a long street or somewhere around there , and yes I mean many oh many a time I 've , you 'd see ca every Wednesday night you 'd see the cattle being driven up .
10 If I had my life over again , I 'd see the mistakes coming up and I 'd correct them . ’
11 I mean , if I were to sell my house now supposing somebody came galloping in along before Christmas ooh ooh I want the house on the first of Feb and they 'd come and they 'd see the house and they say yes I want it , want it , want it and it was plain that they were going to want it and we started to talk money , as soon as we 'd got the solid block of money I want one O two you er estate agent tells me I can get ninety seven between ninety five and ninety seven say they offer me ninety six
12 I knew I 'd see the facades of Nabataean temples chiselled into the rock and that the cliff-walls would be riddled with empty tombs .
13 After all , she must have realised you 'd see the results , and wonder about the discrepancy . ’
14 She 'd see the war won yet , and these bastards defeated .
15 In the products of capitalism , designed for fun , the Young Socialists would see the workings of ideology .
16 It eventually cleared and after breakfast they prepared to go to Raasay ; they would see the Mackinnons again in two weeks or so .
17 So whenever anyone came in they would see the icons .
18 Once seated the audience would see the theatre ceiling as though it were open to the sky at night ; stars twinkling and a moon shining .
19 She asked him whether he would see the film and ‘ issue a statement about it both to encourage anxious parents and to ensure that the Church was seen to be caring about the matter ’ .
20 Sure , these instruments would be bought only by committed musicians who would see the price as the cost of entry to the type of quality they need .
21 He chose to take up the issue precisely because he thought it could not possibly lead to war , in that neither the Tsar , nor the Sultan in whose Empire Jerusalem was , would see the issue as of such importance .
22 I would see the South as having developed much more quickly and differently than the North .
23 MARY SPENCER — Mary = marry , so I would see the lady as a bride coming out of a well-known High Street shop which has somehow been cut cleanly in half .
24 He wondered whether they would see the Tree Spirits and then he wondered whether they wanted to see them .
25 NEWSAGENTS have rejected a move which would see the federation campaign for the restoration of capital punishment .
26 Chairman as a former supporter of fox hounds I have to say I am no longer a supporter of fox hounds , I would see the law of this land used to ban hunting with hounds and I support the motion .
27 I think that I would see the consequences of the lower figures as being twofold .
28 On one occasion he is alleged to have told a bald papal legate who had just excommunicated him for refusing to abandon his mistress that he would see the legate 's hair in curlers before he gave her up .
29 While waiting to go on , they would see the women rub lipstick onto their fingers from their lips and transfer it onto their navels and nipples .
30 Perhaps it was her soft , drawling voice or the fact that , no matter how interesting the topic of your conversation , you would inevitably see her smothering amiable yawns as you talked ; you would see the muscles of her jaw tighten and the tears start from her eyes as she tried to repress them .
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