Example sentences of "would not stand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Me , I 'd not stand for it . "
2 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
3 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
4 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
5 Sonia Gandhi , the widow of the assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , confirmed on Oct. 12 that she would not stand as a candidate in a by-election scheduled for Nov. 16 in her late husband 's Amethi constituency in the state of Uttar Pradesh .
6 Reactionary trade union officials who had steadfastly declared that they would not stand on a public platform with revolutionary workers , found themselves caught up in the stream and carried forward to participation in great united front unemployed demonstrations .
7 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
8 The project proved impolitic : the public would not stand for it , so the Government discarded or diluted ideology to avoid unpopularity .
9 The speed at which McCarthy gathered support stunned America and had the campuses screaming with delight , especially when , on 31 March , their arch-enemy Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not stand for re-election .
10 Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long .
11 In Michael 's mind it was tantamount to mutiny and he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him .
12 She was quick to tell the world that Britain would not stand for anything which undermined the role of the queen , ‘ our beloved monarch ’ , or of our 700-year-old parliament .
13 Kate would not stand for anything like that , she was too straight .
14 And he , Alexander Augustus Hope , Colonel , at your service , gentlemen , would not stand for another coarse word in her presence , DID THEY HEAR ?
15 Whilst the process of jury selection was still under way , Barry made a television address on June 13 in which he announced that he would not stand for re-election for a fourth term in November 1990 , but would serve the remainder of his current four-year term , due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 .
16 He stated that he would not stand for re-election as majority whip in the Senate , nor would he seek re-election to the Senate when his current term expired in 1992 .
17 With Aquino adamant that she would not stand for a second term , the jostling for position amongst those ambitious to succeed her intensified in late 1990 and early 1991 .
18 Waldheim , who had been barred from entering the USA [ see p. 35528 ] and shunned by European governments , had announced in June 1991 that he would not stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
19 Americans " would not stand for this much longer .
20 But she would not stand for his condescension .
21 would not stand for the stallion ;
22 She wished he would not stand like that , Ashley thought edgily .
23 That basically meant that Government would not stand behind the project .
24 A week earlier , Michael Heseltine , whose challenge in the leadership election contest brought about her fall , had still been adamant in public that he would not stand against her .
25 Such was the speculation that Hurd and Major — Thatcher 's two nominators for the contest — were obliged to issue a joint statement insisting that they would not stand against Mrs Thatcher in a second ballot , but this all too clearly left open the possibility that they would stand if she were out of the contest .
26 Although the Rev. Jesse Jackson had formally moved his address to Washington DC in 1989 — thereby making him eligible to run for mayor — he had persistently maintained that he would not stand against his " old friend " Barry .
27 Following Howe 's personal statement on Nov. 13 , Heseltine on the following day abandoned his earlier position that he would not stand against Thatcher , claiming that he was best placed to win back former Conservative voters , that he had the better prospect of leading the Conservative Party to a fourth successive general election victory and so of preventing " the ultimate catastrophe of a Labour victory in a general election " , and that he had already received the committed support of 100 MPs .
28 The Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson , assured the Commons yesterday that financial considerations would not stand in the way of implementing Sir Anthony Hidden 's 93 recommendations .
29 MR CECIL Parkinson , the Transport Secretary , gave an assurance to the Commons yesterday that financial considerations would not stand in the way of implementing recommendations of the Clapham disaster report .
30 ( Yet surely a murderer would not stand in the middle of an enormous snow-covered , frost-bitten field in the dark on such a night , just on the off-chance that someone would be silly enough to cross it alone ! )
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