Example sentences of "would [verb] be considered " in BNC.

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1 I never remember her dressed other than what in those days would have been considered ‘ ladylike ’ , with a touch of white at the high neck , and her hair drawn back , which suited her hairline and the shape of her head .
2 Even in these circumstances project support would still in all cases be cheaper than hospital care , and in four cases cheaper than residential care ( and only a proportion of these clients would have been considered eligible for residential care ) .
3 That would have been considered vulgar .
4 She would have been considered trash , the lowest of the low , if one had dared to enter ’
5 Had she merely stated that she did not wish to have a baby , she would have been considered failing in what she saw as her role in life .
6 It is shown that there was very often little to be gained from approaching government institutions with attitudes which would have been considered proper by British administrators .
7 It is doubtful whether these palls would have been considered for outdoor use , their materials being too precious to risk inclement weather and inconsiderate birds .
8 More recently , in many primitive societies , where animism has been practised , it would have been considered sacrilege to bring nature under control .
9 But of course I said nothing — to retaliate would have been considered insufferably rude — and walked on , pretending not to have heard , while my aunt proceeded to pass similar , though less unflattering remarks on the physical appearance of my sisters .
10 Even ten years ago the idea that English-speaking children should be educated completely in a foreign language for every subject , including science , without actual specific prior tuition or without reinforcement at home , would have been considered strange to say the least .
11 In all likelihood it would have been considered by the Air Ministry , and quietly stored , with the many other ‘ war-winning ’ schemes , from the possible to the ridiculous .
12 The price to urban consumers of bearing the losses incurred ( probably of the order of 2 per cent of their bills ) would have been considered by many to be an acceptable concession to the aspirations of country dwellers , and perhaps few would have endorsed the complaint by a contemporary free-market economist that ‘ a slum dweller has to contribute to the cost of providing electricity for a country mansion ’ .
13 Family planning was in the air ; newspapers and women 's magazines were openly discussing family planning by the 1930s in a manner which would have been considered outrageous just ten years before .
14 He had his widowed mother living with him and two sisters who had to get husbands ; both Mr James and Constanza say that it would have been considered an almost monstrous act of selfishness if the prince had insisted on marrying one of the Montecativi or Roccarosa girls for their beaux yeux .
15 During the last twelve months subjects that would have been considered taboo , in this Country , have received widespread media attention .
16 If they had come from any other man or woman in the kingdom of Scotland , they would have been considered treasonable ; writing to her brother Henry , Margaret made constant pleas for the English to send troops into Scotland to restore her as Regent and crush any opposition to her and the Earl of Angus .
17 To Paykel , it would have been considered a positive event or ‘ entrance ’ event which he would therefore not expect to correlate with depression .
18 It is difficult to understand why Mark 's action was not brought to the attention of the authorities then , because his action as the captain of the aircraft dwells within many heroic and desperate actions that under normal circumstances would have been considered for high award .
19 If we had won all the Tests but lost all the one-dayers , then it would have been considered to be a successful trip . ’
20 Just this once , she would risk being considered a bad loser .
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