Example sentences of "would [verb] be expected " in BNC.

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1 Mr Jack Meredith , chairman of the AMA 's public transport committee , said that while bus patronage was declining prior to deregulation , the Tyson report showed that the fall in journeys was between 100 and 200 million more than would have been expected .
2 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
3 Among other findings , this produced five cases of young leukaemia within eight miles of the plant over the period 1979–84 , where less than one would have been expected on the basis of national rates .
4 Last year , a passive solar collector on a house would have been expected to pay for itself in 12 to 15 years .
5 This is about 10 more , she says , than would have been expected From the whole 8000 servicemen who , she says , took part in the South Pacific tests between 1957 and 1958 .
6 By 1988 interim results indicated that around 10 per cent fewer accidents occurred than would have been expected without the schemes .
7 This in itself was unusual , as the high-ranking patrons would have been expected to display classical scenes in their houses , leading to the supposition that these intimate portraits of courtesans were most probably on view only in the private apartments .
8 Previously those living with their parents would have been expected to continue living there .
9 But the Gospels themselves confirm that Jesus and his entourage , in keeping with what would have been expected of the Messiah , were militant nationalists who did not shrink from violence .
10 If Hazel had been a human being he would have been expected to introduce his companions one by one and no doubt each would have been taken in charge as a guest by one of their hosts .
11 To be fair , Potter was behaving better than would have been expected — cold yet civil .
12 This increase is particularly impressive since the decline in marriage rates in the 1970s would have been expected to reduce household formation among young people , since historically young married couples have tended to set up their own households , and young single people to remain with their parents .
13 But in view of the difficulties , more would have been expected of the occasion : more in time — an extra day perhaps — and more in emotional commitment .
14 The days with one casualty were Sunday 6 January and Sunday 10 February ; on both these days there was snow and traffic volumes were observed to be lower than would have been expected had the weather been fine .
15 The young lover proposes to lie back and watch others work while he listens to birds singing , freeing himself from the duty and responsibility shepherds would have been expected to attend to .
16 less funding than it would have been expected to have .
17 The actual local air traffic will be compared with the level which would have been expected by natural growth as predicted by a successful Federal Aviation Administration model .
18 This did not show men to be more lateralised visuo-spatially than women as would have been expected .
19 If the lowering of serum cholesterol values was the result of tumour activity , obvious differences in serum cholesterol values as the tumours progressed from stage A to stage D , or as they become more de-differentiated would have been expected .
20 If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus , an exponential increase would have been expected .
21 Such an action would have been expected to lower the cyclic AMP content irrespective of the agonist used to stimulate the cells .
22 Over this time , 0.022 melanomas would have been expected in the local population .
23 No second primary melanomas were seen in this group , whereas 0.026 would have been expected .
24 As would have been expected , the construction with the bare infinitive expresses direct perception of an event — to be more precise , the possibility of direct perception ( because of could and might have ) .
25 Mooney was left out of the derby game against Middlesbrough on Monday and would have been expected to play in the Pontins Central League game .
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