Example sentences of "can be related [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that all living forms can be related into a single developmental sequence .
2 There is no way in which the time of occurrence of an experience can be related to the time of occurrence of a physical event without assuming answers to the questions Libet is asking .
3 This view can be related to a number of outstanding features ofthe British political system .
4 Locke 's distinction can be related to earlier ones too .
5 It also has to have some mechanism by which the latent TL signal is zeroed that can be related to an archaeological or geological event of interest .
6 The equiangular spiral can be related to the tractrix .
7 The equiangular spiral can be related to the tractrix .
8 These can be related to the master series : 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , infinity .
9 Although perhaps the paradigm for the village school was some idyllic haven seen on a summer 's day , the report is still a good review of the position and can be related to other parts of Western Europe .
10 If we accept that the narrative discourse represents the consciousness of the unnamed ‘ jealous husband ’ of the woman known as A … , then the ambiguities and contradictions in the text can be related to this narrator 's obsessive fascination with the possibility of his wife 's adultery .
11 They demonstrated that the crust of the Earth can be divided into seven large plates , and many smaller ones , and that all major crustal processes can be related to the relative movements between these plates .
12 The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans .
13 Clearly this maturity profile has a much steeper gradient than all the late Paleozoics examples which can be related to the much higher geothermal gradient of 35–40°C/km recognised at the present day ( Albrecht et al. 1976 ) .
14 Using a knowledge of facies distribution , it is possible to predict where these potential reservoirs might occur and as facies distribution can be related to the overall thickness of each carbonate unit , it is also possible to make tentative predictions of porosity distribution from isopach maps .
15 With regard to the prediction of porosity in the Z2 Carbonate , several studies have now demonstrated that the distribution of facies can be related to the overall thickness of the formation ( Sannemann et al. 1978 ; Peryt et al. 1978 ; Clark 1980b ) .
16 By using Green 's theorem the integral of over the rectangle PNML indicated in Figure 14.1 can be related to its line integral around the boundary .
17 By carefully sequencing the programme , the structure and function can be related to the signs and symptoms .
18 Library education will be more effective if the student understands what he is doing and why he is doing it — that is , if new facts can be related to existing knowledge .
19 1 ‘ The way that the subject is taught through the life of the school e.g. health habits , games , school government and self help in building and decorating etc. 2 ‘ The way that the subject taught in school can be related to life in the community , e.g. community health , social service , home vegetable plots etc .
20 It will be dealt with in a later chapter , when it can be related to the idea of a ‘ Created God ’ , which it is the primary purpose of this book to put forward .
21 Two aspects bear examination , and both can be related to the SAAB case outlined earlier .
22 It can be related to Sinclair 's observation that examples of English are sometimes given which the analysis of actual data reveals do not in fact occur ( see page 76 ) .
23 They are therefore both concerned to establish on a number of different fronts how the precepts of law can be related to reality .
24 In this way , classroom discussion of — for example — the characters , themes , and moral , social or emotional issues in a work can be related to the writer 's technique and craft and to the boundless potential of language for the creation of new meanings .
25 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
26 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
27 Within the Silurian , faunal and facies changes can be related to the transition from shelf environments in the east to the basin margin in the west .
28 Lineaments highlighted by imaging techniques are evidence of the nature of Caledonian orogenesis , and variations in image texture can be related to specific geological terrains .
29 These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers .
30 While I will argue that structuralism offers a way of understanding knowledge as language that can be related to other social practices without reduction to an individual knowing subject , it is to the Marxist theory of ideology that I will turn to help describe the nature of the relationship .
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