Example sentences of "can [vb infin] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I want Bob to become well known , too , so that he can liberate himself from me . ’
2 Sepp has so much experience , he can think himself into my position .
3 Even today , with the growth of computers in every branch of business , it is rare to find a computer man who can explain himself in simple English .
4 There is no way in which he can free himself from my control , not unless I lose my nerve or allow him to be abducted by some plagiarist , and not unless I allow any of my own present personal dilemmas connected with my own personal escape to lodge unbeknown to me in the words which make up this fictional character .
5 No one , at any level in a structure from chief executive downwards , can exclude himself from this commitment .
6 One of the greatest gifts known to man is the one he can give himself of a joyous heart and it can come from no one else , for it comes from the springs of a man 's own spirit .
7 What is required of the student is the capacity to identify with English : " Unless an undergraduate can identify himself in some sense with the subject he is studying , he is either reading the wrong School , or has no business to be at university at all .
8 If however he has accepted one or more instalments , he will not be able to reject later instalments if there is a breach of condition in relation to them , section 11(4) ( unless he can bring himself within section 30 ( above ) ) .
9 The finder of goods is entitled — except only against one who can show himself to be the owner — to legal protection against all the world .
10 A doctor accused of negligence by a patient can defend himself by showing that what he did was accepted practice , provided that practice was approved by responsible opinion in the medical profession .
11 Perhaps I am myself no gourmet , and think of food as a matter in which the rational man can excuse himself from making a fully-considered choice .
12 ‘ He can excuse himself by showing that the escape was owing to the plaintiff 's default ; or perhaps that the escape was the consequence of vis major , or the act of God ; but as nothing of this sort exists here , it is unnecessary to inquire what excuse would be sufficient .
13 If the patient can get into the kneeling position and then balance on one knee while bringing the other leg forward , so that he can lever himself onto a chair , he will feel confident that he can always get up , even if he is alone at home .
14 There are other pains still to come , for none can hide himself in a secret place where the deeds he has done will not search him out .
15 Presented with ( 32 ) , we therefore read it as a sequence of two events that occurred in that order : ( 32 ) Alfred went to the store and bought some whisky We now see how the semanticist armed with the notion of implicature can extricate himself from the dilemmas raised above in connection with examples ( 4 ) -(7) .
16 He can protect himself under Ord 33 , r4A by making a written offer to accept liability up to a specified proportion , which can be brought to the attention of the judge after he has decided the liability issue at trial .
17 Prima facie such a corporation has the power to do with its property all such acts as an ordinary person can do , and to bind itself to such contracts as an ordinary person can bind himself to .
18 All he can commit himself to is undoing everything that has been achieved in the past three years .
19 He can console himself with a winter passage booked to Australia , and the knowledge that his talent and determined character have finally set him on a rightful path to the pinnacle of the game .
20 THE PEACEMAKER : He sees gifts as an excellent way of atoning for sins , but can put himself at risk by overstating himself — giving an exquisite set of English porcelain when a book token would do .
21 He can play himself into a commanding position — as he did against Courier in the French Open , Wheaton at Wimbledon and Sampras in last year 's ATP final — and then somehow , his judgement deserts him , every time .
22 He can indulge himself with whichever other women attract him , but you 're to remain for his exclusive use , keeping yourself unencumbered , ready and available for whenever he has a whim to renew the relationship ? ’
23 They release the teacher for other work by giving the pupil something which he can operate himself without having to have the teacher there ; and they can also enliven the teaching of otherwise difficult topics .
24 Then if the wife displeases him he can distract himself with her little slave . "
25 In the Sheriff Court , there are fourteen days to enter appearance , but to do so here it is necessary to produce to the Sheriff Clerk the Service Copy Writ so that he can satisfy himself from when the fourteen days is calculated .
26 The point here is that the first purchaser can safeguard himself by taking immediate delivery and not leaving the goods or documents of title with the seller .
27 He is living proof that an individual congressman with energy and knowledge can turn himself into a foreign-policy entrepreneur .
28 I would also advise that a plain salt lick ( not one of the mineralised ones ) should always be available in the stable , so that the horse can help himself to salt as and when he needs it .
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