Example sentences of "which sought [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 There were active liberal or socialist-influenced tenants ' and farmers ' movements in the interwar period which sought to improve the farmers ' lot .
2 A good deal of discussion focussed , in the early meetings , on whether and how to reduce the ‘ all-pervading ’ influence of the subject boards , and at its second meeting discussed an officers ' draft paper which sought to undermine the boards and considered the pros and cons of the CNAA relating primarily to institutions as a whole .
3 In 1983 Mr St John Stevas promoted a private member 's bill , The National Audit Bill , which sought to give the Comptroller and Auditor General access to the accounts of nationalized industries so that his staff could investigate them as they do the accounts of government departments .
4 Attempts to develop a peinture feminine , on the lines of the écriture feminine proposed by Hélène Cixous ( whose rhapsodic feminism has had much greater impact on the Aglophone world than on her own French audience ) , led to works which sought to represent the very evanescence , immateriality , and ordinariness of women 's existential condition and past works , as in Bobby Baker 's performance art , in which she makes cakes or reproduces her daily kitchen routines , or , Susan Hiller 's cool , barometrically precise account of her own pregnancy , in the graphic work , ‘ Ten Months ’ .
5 The Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 , which sought to implement the Law Commission proposals , did not , therefore , eliminate the distinctions between conditions and warranties and innominate terms .
6 The movement towards caveat venditor , at least in consumer sales , was confirmed by the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 which sought to implement the recommendations of the Law Commission Report No 160 on Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) .
7 This set out a pattern of Soviet policy in Far East and South East Asia in terms of a Soviet policy which sought to weaken the ties between the colonies and the colonial powers through the encouragement of nationalism and by capitalizing on the discontent caused by long periods of ‘ colonial oppression ’ and by disrupting the colonial economies either by armed action or by labour disorders so that the metropolitan powers would be deprived of revenue and resources .
8 Some of its most significant early relations were with the guild merchant , which sought to regulate the conditions of urban trade .
9 In 1976 Britain , or more strictly England and Wales , introduced legislation which sought to control the worst excesses of the press and the courts in relation to rape .
10 As then , he dealt with the motion as a three-part whole rather than as separate clauses and refused to incorporate an amendment ( carried 2:1 ) which sought to modify the proposed Committee revision in respect of the Captains , which many members considered was a continuation of the sort of privileges previously enjoyed by bondholders .
11 This view was endorsed in the School Management Task Force report ( DES 1990f ) , and by 1991 Leeds LEA had a policy and programme for management training ( Leeds City Council 1991 a ) which sought to address the management needs of all staff — heads , deputies , staff tutors , INSET coordinators , curriculum coordinators and probationers .
12 And this organization , which sought to protect the rights of the newly colonized , provided much of the original intellectual and moral impetus which led ultimately to the formation of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain .
13 Big Flame was based on the Italian revolutionary group Lutte Continua ( the struggle goes on ) , which sought to combine the autonomist belief in a loose network of Right-On groups with a separate political party which would guide them all .
14 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
15 He eventually capitalized on his knowledge of Europe by publishing in 1796 both a set of five maps of the Rhine , Meuse , and Scheldt and a survey entitled A Developement of the Views and Designs of the French Nation , which sought to warn the English of certain French activities .
16 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
17 A hopeful and insufficiently applauded shift in emphasis was signalled in 1986 by the Report of the Attorney General 's Commission on Pornography , which sought to identify the relative harms caused by various forms of pornography , thus making it possible to draw up a list of priorities .
18 Inter-war Britain was notable for a generation which sought to emphasize the principles and practicalities of the protection of natural beauty .
19 The late 1960s and early 1970s saw a plethora of government sponsored reports which sought to influence the way in which local authorities were organised and the services that they provided .
20 In late Victorian Britain , the law-makers were gripped by a clean-up fervour , not unlike what is happening today , which sought to make the country safe for women , children and the family .
21 From this impetus various theories were proposed which sought to apply the empirical method of the natural sciences to the study of society .
22 The " no " voters rejected by 53 to 45 per cent the " yes " platform of proposals of Governor Rafael Hernández Colón and his ruling Popular Democratic Party ( PPD ) which sought to maintain the Island 's autonomy .
23 According to defence analysts the US offer signalled cuts deeper than those required by the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START ) ( signed in July 1991 ) which sought to reduce the number of " accountable " warheads held by the USA and the Soviet Union to 6,000 each [ see p. 38320 ] .
24 Nettles with leaves the size of dinner plates fought a battle for possession of the clearing with garrotte vines , which sought to strangle the nettles with tendrils that sprouted vivid scarlet trumpet flowers .
25 On the Tuesday night , however , my Private Secretary , Steve Godber , rang me at a dinner to tell me that at the eleventh hour Nigel Lawson had put round a minute which sought to reopen the whole issue of the replacement for SERPS .
26 With his evangelical approach , he thrived in the conditions of greater religious freedom introduced in 1988 , but his radical views on the church 's contemporary relevance placed him at odds with a traditionalist wing which sought to revive the Russian Orthodox Church as it had been before the Bolshevik revolution .
27 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
28 In 1986 the Shops bill , which sought to remove the prohibition , failed to be enacted .
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