Example sentences of "which lie [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Note that only one model can lie within the hole and if there is any doubt it is the model which lies under the exact centre which is hit .
2 There is a small hood , corresponding to the foreskin , which lies over the clitoris .
3 When these values are adjusted to the 1 bar altitude , which lies at a fairly small distance below the cloud tops ( Figure 9.5 ) , then the equatorial radius is 71 400 km and the polar radius is 66 550 km .
4 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
5 Orpiere , reached by turning west off the N75 Grenoble road about 25km north of Sisteron , is a little village which lies at the foot of a cirque of crags .
6 But with stunning clarity they demonstrate again how the great reformer has unleashed forces which he and his country no longer control , and which now are playing on the German Question itself , the issue which lies at the very heart of today 's European order .
7 The most prolific refining and distribution areas is Ribat , which lies at the crossroads of three countries — Afghanistan , Pakistan and Iran .
8 The Market Square , which lies at the junction of the two main streets , contains the Butter Cross , a medieval meeting place which has a steeply gabled roof surmounted by a clock turret from 1683 .
9 Consent , which lies at the root of self-determination , should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded .
10 Here the editors venture carefully into the world of cognitive science , which lies at the intersection of AI and cognitive psychology .
11 It is the underlying implication of the existence of a providing ‘ god ’ which lies at the bottom of a great deal of the world 's misery .
12 Harnoncourt ( ) , on the other hand , is let down by the unpredictability of his choral forces , and Gardiner ( ) is all sheen and polish , but misses the sense of the ceremonial which lies at the heart of his this most perfect of all choral masterpieces .
13 It has created 1,900 jobs but during the same period over 800 existing jobs have been lost in an area which lies at the heart of three parliamentary constituencies with some of the highest unemployment rates in Britain .
14 ‘ ... there is a resistance to identity which lies at the very heart of psychic life . ’
15 It is our illusion of separateness which lies at the root of our fears .
16 Indeed if we recall Dworkin 's own formulation of the principle of political equality which lies at the heart of his master-principle of equal concern and respect it would appear to support the criticisms just advanced .
17 They are more fundamentally divided by their disparate conceptions of the human individual — a fact which lies at the heart of their views of explanation .
18 This is because more recently reconnected field lines are always closer to the open/closed field line boundary which lies at the equatorward edge of the cusp .
19 At one remove from decentralization is the Athenian model of action which lies at the least controlled end of the continuum .
20 Indeed , the chairman of the committee on clinical immunology and allergy instructed it that the hearing was not a trial of alternative medicine or the provocation-neutralisation test , which lies at the centre of clinical ecology .
21 Yet the importance attached to this scheme of distributive justice by advocates of choice theory encourages them to ignore the contradiction which we noticed above between the liberal ideal of individual autonomy and the moral paternalism of the principle that promises ought to be kept which lies at the heart of their theory of contract .
22 The wall can be found behind the Beran Filling Station , which lies at the highest point of the Bangor on Llanberis road ( B4547 ) , about 200 metres from the Deiniolen turn-off .
23 For it is precisely the fact that men have tended to be associated with that which is above , spiritual and ‘ like God ’ , whereas women have been associated with that which is below , of the earth , sexual , and ‘ unlike God ’ which lies at the heart of the problem !
24 ‘ Flexible specialization ’ refers to an integrated marketing , investment and production strategy which lies at the interface of product standardization and customization .
25 They overlook the human ability to negate , which lies at the root of thinking .
26 The conspiracy theory , which lies at the root of National Front ideology , is an argument ; it propounds an uncommon sense , which argues against the commonly shared sense .
27 For some liberal historians , it is the idealism of the young rebels , their commitment to liberty or even an altruistic wish to atone for their own privileges by improving the lot of the wretched peasants and workers , which lies at the heart of the matter .
28 By designating such materials as in varying degrees precious they have created symbols of excellence , a quality which stems from aesthetic awareness but the striving for which lies at the very root of the civilizations created by man .
29 I turn next to the question of the undertaking in damages , which lies at the heart of the present appeal .
30 The question which lies at the heart of the appeal is whether money exacted as taxes from a citizen by the revenue ultra vires is recoverable by the citizen as of right ; if so , Woolwich will be entitled to interest on the sums repaid to it by the revenue , running from the dates when those sums were paid to the revenue by Woolwich .
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