Example sentences of "which appear [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 This investigates more fully the nature and scale of the dislocation between trends in the distribution of people and jobs , and examines the barriers which appear to restrict the efficiency of the ‘ matching processes ’ in the labour and housing markets .
2 identify and recommend those whole school strategies which appear to enhance the confidence and achievement of pupils
3 In areas which appear to show the greatest change the probable effect of the fall of Magnentius has been recognized by Professor Keith Branigan , who has drawn attention to the evidence from Boxmoor , Latimer and possibly Welwyn , High Wycombe and Harpsden .
4 The resolution made clear that the Commission ‘ also expresses its grave concern that there are continuing threats to the life of a citizen of another state which appear to have the support of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and whose care is mention in the report of the special representative ’ .
5 The other side to the critique , again a common one in the UK , is that public agencies by no means serve the public interest alone but instead indulge in many other activities which appear to benefit the regulators ' Interests rather more .
6 Reviewing the literature of the 1960s , we find a number of schools which appear to challenge the Morgenthau paradigm because they use different concepts .
7 In the next chapter , I shall examine the work of Goody , which appears to justify the ‘ autonomous ’ model from a more detached , anthropological perspective and which is probably the major source of general conceptions about literacy outside that discipline .
8 There is no individual specification which appears to embrace the whole of the mechanical conditions to be dealt with ; but there are many good points contained in the specification of Messrs. Glover and Messrs. Gwynne ; and it would appear that a combination of certain parts of these two schemes would produce a highly satisfactory machine .
9 Dr McGarry claimed Alliance had been snubbed by the US visitors and said : ‘ Mr Morrison 's credibility as a supposedly independent observer must be called into question when he finds it important to meet Sinn Fein , a party which appears to condone the murder of Irish people , but not the Alliance Party , the foremost advocate of peace . ’
10 The method described in this section has been used by Halilsoy ( 1988 b ) to obtain a class of solutions which appears to generalize the Szekeres solutions .
11 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
12 The eight-storey office is being sold to the Japanese group , Kumagai , for a price which appears to belie the downturn in London 's commercial property market .
13 They jointly announced a collaboration with JVC ( Victor Company of Japan ) , to manufacture a commercial chip set which appears to offer the same real time facility but with much higher compression than required under JPEG .
14 In the case of gastrin , cell lines derived from colorectal carcinomas have recently been shown to contain gastrin mRNA , and some human colorectal cancers in short term tissue culture release a peptide into the culture medium which appears to have the immunological characteristics of gastrin .
15 But it is not only the Sun which appears to orbit the Earth .
16 I may now go out and buy a dish , which appears to prove the point Sky TV are trying to make . ’
17 Its diet appears to have been soft fruit , which appeared to contradict the suggestion that thick enamel was adaptive for hard fruit diets ; but the more recent conclusion that the microwear of the much earlier thick-enamelled hominoid from Pasalar is indicative of a hard-fruit diet suggests that there was a dietary shift after the development of thick enamel , with dietary change independent of morphology .
18 But he also provided the second , because — with the possible exception of the United States , that land which appeared to promise the poor a personal way out of lifelong poverty , the worker a private exit from the working class , and every citizen equality with every other — the working classes knew that the liberal free market alone would not give them their rights and their needs .
19 It was advice which appeared to ignore the fact that if Alexei did not , Sidacai 's death warrant would be signed and his sentence executed .
20 The Presidents of Burkina , Côte d'Ivoire , The Gambia , Nigeria , and Togo participated in the meeting , which appeared to set the seal on 19 months of civil war estimated to have cost 15,000 lives including that of former President Samuel Doe .
21 In September 1991 , after the banning of the republican Communist Party , Ikramov had ordered the removal of Lenin 's statue in Dushanbe — a controversial order which appeared to precipitate the return to power of the majority communist faction in the Supreme Soviet [ see p. 38418 ] .
22 The inconclusive meeting had been held to discuss issues which appeared to threaten the dialogue .
23 The other development was budgetary delegation to schools ( LMS ) under the 1988 Education Reform Act ( DES 1988b , 1991d ) , which appeared to reduce the scope for enhanced staffing , despite the Secretary of State 's approval of PNP-style weightings for social disadvantage , ethnic minority groups , special needs , and small schools in the Leeds LMS formula ( Leeds City Council 1989c ) .
24 The main themes which appeared to make the case newsworthy were firstly , a gang rape ; secondly , a racial theme , since the newspapers clearly identified the rapists as black and the girls as white in both words and pictures ; thirdly , controversy over the sentencing being ‘ too light ’ ; fourthly , controversy as to whether the girls could be held to have contributed to their own rape by being out at night .
25 They found paper which appeared to match the death threat to MacQuillan and the note to Wainfleet ; and they took away a pair of trousers with worn pockets .
26 He also issued a tough statement when changes were made to the Natural Heritage ( Scotland ) Bill in the House of Lords which appeared to diminish the status of Sites of Special Scientific Interest .
27 He walked over to a polished mahogany cabinet which appeared to house the stereo unit , and began to flick through a collection of LPs .
28 However , the secretary-general of Hezbollah , Sheikh Abbas Musawi , said on Nov. 20 that the fate of the Western hostages was no longer linked to that of Arabs held by Israel , a declaration which appeared to remove the last political obstacle to the resolution of the hostage issue .
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