Example sentences of "will result in the " in BNC.

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1 This will result in the book evading the task of art criticism altogether , though the critical views of the artist may be recorded .
2 Unless action is taken , increasingly more congestion will result in the already over-crowded South-east .
3 A win or draw for the Army will give them their 29th outright title while victory for the RAF will result in the 10th triple tie of the competition .
4 The marathon will result in the closure of a large number of London streets on Sunday .
5 We can see easily enough that in a competitive world social selection for a selfish maximization of an individual 's capacity to reproduce will result in the predominance of certain traits in a population .
6 It can be seen that continued administration of the remedy once the disease disturbance has been overcome will result in the presence of an energy pattern of the remedy itself i.e. a proving .
7 That just as you are making it possible to select conceptions that will result in the right sort of people , as you define them , and reject the potentially bad ones , so it would be possible to reject the good and retain the bad .
8 There is , however , one procedure that has been found to produce apparently the reverse effect — Hall and Schachtman ( 1987 ) have demonstrated that leaving a long interval between the last session of pre-exposure to the stimulus and the first test session will result in the restoration of an habituated UR while leaving latent inhibition unaffected .
9 In the final analysis , if the small farmer and peasant of the Third World can not or will not take conservation to heart , no amount of model-building , empirical plot studies , erosion risk assessment or legislation will result in the preservation of the soil 's resources .
10 A strange object or sound will result in the ears being fully pricked in the direction of the stimulus , in order to pick up any relevant sounds .
11 Although slowing the traffic down it is unlikely to reduce the volume , and the pinch points will result in the tailback of vehicles waiting to get through .
12 Pre-ignition as a result of carbon formation in the combustion chamber together with local overheating which , particularly if encountered at high engine speeds , will result in the collapse of the piston crown .
13 However , it must be remembered that each tonne of AGR or PWR fuel produces much more electricity ( AGR it least five times , PWR at least 7 times ) than a tonne of magnox Fuel This will result in the reprocessing component of the nuclear fuel cycle cost being less for AGR and PWR than for magnox .
14 This will result in the balls from either hand having a different trajectory so that they will not ‘ kiss ’ in the air .
15 If this concentration is high , then it will result in the death of fish .
16 In the case of a redeemable instrument this will result in the carrying amount at the time it is redeemed being equal to the amount payable at that time .
17 For example , a child might be told that certain behaviours will result in the loss of free time ; if the child misbehaves , the penalty creates a contingent relationship in which the child has less time to play .
18 Answering yes to this question will result in the correct stitch pattern being displayed in full colour on the screen , with an outline of the corresponding garment piece superimposed on to it .
19 Southwestern Bell Corp 's Southwestern Bell Telephone Co is also calling for redemption two issues of debentures totalling $450m , which will result in The issues being called are $150m of 8.25% notes due September 1 2005 , redeemable at $101.78% plus accrued interest , and $300m of 8.75% notes due November 1 2024 , redeemable at $103.34% plus interest .
20 General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care .
21 The chairman predicts that a more unified Europe will result in the kind of financial federation we see in the US , where there is one main centre in the time zone — New York ( read London ) and several satellite centres ( Frankfurt , Paris , Amsterdam ) .
22 In this context , the Springvale Project was cited , a project which will result in the removal of jobs from West Belfast and a further reduction of the industrial base .
23 The Government is set on a scheme that will result in the biggest social services shake-up since the national insurance scheme was established in 1911 .
24 Their emphasis is on ensuring that the adoption of standard routines for management practice will result in the realization of greater efficiency and effectiveness .
25 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
26 These factors will result in the polarization of the two main classes .
27 These three processes — the obliteration of the differences in labour , the pauperization of the working class and the depression of the intermediate strata into the proletariat — will result in the polarization of the two major classes .
28 A one-pass load will result in the creation of unnecessary synonyms , as shown in Fig. 6. 10 .
29 The method of arriving at cost by applying the latest purchase price to the total number of units in stock is unacceptable in principle because it is not necessarily the same as actual cost and in times of rising prices , will result in the taking of a profit which has not been realised .
30 Any sections not reported clear by the time of the arrival of the Fire Service units will result in the Fire Service undertaking to search such areas as an immediate priority .
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