Example sentences of "which [adv] becomes [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Topsoil , which eventually becomes man-made when constantly cultivated , is of primary importance : some eighty per cent of the vine 's root system , including most of the feeding network , remains in the upper sector of soil .
2 Actual blindness occurs only after years and years , and is caused by infestation of the cornea — which eventually becomes opaque .
3 It is probably a lot more common than is generally realized , a background ‘ noise ’ which only becomes noticeable when emphasized to such a degree that we can no longer ignore it .
4 For Friedman the realized decline in the measured real wage rate — a decline which only becomes apparent to workers with the passage of time — was sufficient incentive for employers to take on more labour .
5 The research found that alpha rays may cause damage to cells which only becomes apparent much later when abnormal chromosomes appear .
6 Finally , the slow screen update is a bit of a yoke , which soon becomes irritating and seems as unnecessary as the flickering sprites .
7 Another quality , which soon becomes infectious on meeting her , is Boyd 's childish excitement about her work .
8 Another quality , which soon becomes infectious on meeting her , is Boyd 's childish excitement about her work .
9 So it 's still , if you like , at the beginning , a multi-disciplinary exercise which progressively becomes inter-disciplinary .
10 That is to say I deny that there could be a particular revelation of God in any one age , which thenceforth becomes normative for all others .
11 His book starts , for instance , by making a sort of sense out of a nonsense letter of Lear 's of 1862 and proceeds from there , through a rag-bag of examples , towards a theory of the Remainder which now becomes central rather than marginal , or at least just as central as the rules of Langue .
12 The decision was clearly a surprise to him , for in the current issue of the LTA 's own magazine , photographs of both Jeremy and Jo are , as British team members , featured in a large article on the Olympic Games , which now becomes meaningless .
13 Bacteria in the root nodules of legumes ( Rhizobium ) have the capacity to fix nitrogen from the air , which then becomes available for use by the host plant in the form of ammonium compounds .
14 The two organisms come together , a tube grows between them , pulling them close , and the fertile strain donates fertility genes to the recipient , which then becomes fertile itself .
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